
Season 4 Preview

A.Ron and Jim are primed and ready for season four of USA’s Mr. Robot.  Check back with us next week for our full coverage podcast on the Mr. Robot premiere!

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Season 3 Preview

It’s that time again, but this time it’s an entirely new time of year… Summer! What threats will Hawkins’ Heroes face this time around? Could time-travel be on the menu? We’re one week out so it’s time to speculate and get hyped for Stranger Things 3.

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Season 8 Preview!

We’re so close we can feel the dragon fire! HBO dropped a brand new trailer for the long anticipated final season of Game of Thrones yesterday, and we’re here to discuss it, in tedious detail. Spoiler warning for anyone sitting the promotional material, because we’ll be analyzing this thing frame by frame! We’ll also be discussing our plans for coverage of season 8; which we hope will be the most current and comprehensive around. Does Jon become a dragon rider? What could possibly terrify Arya? Who is the mysterious leader of the Golden Company? Why does the Mountain look like a cross between a Kong-brand dog toy and a butt plug? All these questions and more are covered!

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Season 8 Trailer Breakdown!

We’re so close we can feel the dragon fire! HBO dropped an awesome new trailer for the long awaited final season of Game of Thrones, and we’re here to break it down in near-exhaustive detail. We’re letting you know our plans for coverage this year, which we’re aiming to be the most timely and comprehensive around. Instant takes, deep dives, and lore talk, a fantasy film festival, and a new book by A.Ron. The trailer showed us a lot of tantalizing details. What could possibly terrify Arya? Will Jon become a dragon rider? Who is the mysterious leader of the Golden Company? Why does the Mountain look like a human butt plug? All these topics and more are considered!

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Season 3 Preview!

After three long years off the air, True Detective makes a season three comeback on the backs of Mahershala Ali and Stephen Dorff. We talk about the show’s premise and leads, our feelings about the franchise in general, thoughts on the promotional material and interviews we’ve read so far, reasons to hope that season three is a return to form after an arguable stumble in season two, and where things might go wrong. See you back here next Tuesday!

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Season 4 Preview!

Jim and A.Ron ready themselves to dive into season four of AMC’s Better Call Saul! Topics include; season five already being greenlit, what’s next for Jimmy and Kim, Mike and Gus, Nacho and his dad’s upholstery business, the shows promised “darker” turn, and where we want to see the series go as it winds up to it’s assumed conclusion next season. We also raise the frequently asked question; when will we see Walt? See you next week for an in depth episode breakdown and feedback from our fellow fans!

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Season 4 Preview – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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Season Three Preview!

We’re back to ambush your podcast feeds with a summer re-watch of HBO’s Game of Thrones season three! If you’ve seen the show, you know this is a red banner year for the series with tons of the twists and tragedies we’ve come to expect. And if this is your first time through, relax! We’ll be doing our level best to keep all spoilers for future episodes and seasons confined to the very end of the podcast where you can easily skip them.  For this, our season three kick off, please enjoy the live podcast we taped in front of an audience at the awesome Con of Thrones from Dallas this year. We’ll be back next week with full coverage of the season three premiere, “Valar Dohaeris”! Got feedback? Send it in using the links below and we might consider it on air!

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Season Two Preview

The long awaited sophomore season of HBO’s Westworld returns this weekend, and we’ve been champing at the bit.  We discuss the open questions from last season, the tantalizing glimpses of the future we’ve seen from the trailers so far, and discuss upcoming format changes and our policy on spoilers and speculation. Why is William’s past still relevant to the story? What is the door, and how are we supposed to find it? Are Dolores and Maeve running diametrically opposed armies? What is Delos up to with their secret project? Is a robot searching for it’s artificial daughter any more sad and pointless than anything we do in our day to day lives?  Why or why not?  These and many more questions are entertained as we await answers!

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Season Three Preview Podcast

Jim and A.Ron talk about the upcoming season three of SyFy’s The Expanse.  We talk about our experience with the show (and Jim’s recent experience reading the first three books in the series by James S. A. Corey) and our thoughts about where we left off last season and where we think we’re headed.  Other topics include our spoiler policy, our favorite characters, the Rocinante’s power level, and much more.

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