
Season Six/Five part 2/Whatever Preview Cast

We talk about pre-season hype, pre-season promotions, a character by character analysis of where we left them and predictions for where they’re going, this season’s potential impact on Breaking Bad’s legacy, what we’re excited about, what we’re nervous about, and lots and lots of thoughts, questions, theories, and predictions from you, the listener.

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Season Five Preview / Predictions

Can you believe it? We’re less than five days out from the season five premier of Breaking Bad! Join us for about an hour of previews, predictions, listener feedback and speculation, and a little bit of season five spoilers in our handy dandy spoiler section. Just a heads up, we consider any material or interview that has come out as part of the season five promotion to be NOT spoilers. So, if you’re squeemish about stuff like that, you might want to stay completely clear.

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In this week’s episode, we discuss the possible impact to our favorite show from a rumored takeover of AMC, some thoughts and speculation on the newest Breaking Bad season four trailer, what a possible Breaking Bad spinoff about Mike or Gus might look like, some relavations from some recent articles on Breaking Bad and interviews with series creator, Vince Gilligan, and finally, we offer dueling predictions for things to come in Season 4!

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Stripping Down

Welcome to the first episode of Breaking Good, the officially unofficial podcast of the phenomenal AMC original drama series, Breaking Bad. We are psyched that season four is less than two weeks away, and recorded a very brief cast to explain who we are, what we’re up to, and what you can expect going forward with us. We also break down the latest trailers and teaser images released to date.

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