Randy Quaid

Days of Thunder (1990)

Days of Thunder is the semi-dramatic car-racing cousin of Talladega Nights. Director Tony Scott has helmed other high caliber projects such as Top Gun and Crimson Tide. It’s written by Robert Towne who penned Chinatown and Mission Impossible 1 and 2. So why did this movie turn out to be silly? Well, it could be the relationship between Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise. Maybe it’s Michael Rookers’ lack of caution with his brain bleed. Whatever it was, it didn’t stop Robert Ebert from breaking the ethos of Tom Cruise down to a science.

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Brokeback Mountain (2005)

Brokeback Mountain is a movie that received a lot of attention, both from critics and the media, when it came out in 2005. That was likely just due just as much to it being a movie about two men in love that treated it like any other star-crossed relationship as it was the incredible performances of everyone involved, but specifically the lead actors. Join us for a discussion of this Oscar-winning film.

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