
509 – “Blood Money” – Aron’s “Instant Take” Review

That was an incredible episode.  As you know if you listened to our preseason coverage, I was very nervous about how this season could go, and what impact it could have on Breaking Bad’s legacy.  If this episode is any indication, Vince Gilligan is not playing around.  One of the things I was most nervous…

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310 – Brazil

In the final episode of season 3, I cover the use of the Espheni weapon, the status of the war, the attempted relocation to Brazil, Weaver’s Achy Breaky Heart and the return of Anne & the baby.

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309 – Journey to Xilbalba

Don’t worry, the fancy editing and clips haven’t gone anywhere, they’re just on break. But if I don’t get this video uploaded tonight, it won’t happen this week. The frills will be back in the last episode of season 3. Twitter: @BaldMove Email:

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308 – Strange Brew

With only 2 episodes left in the season, I’m starting to get back on board with where the show is going. Twitter: @BaldMove Email:

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307 – The Pickett Line

Another borderline episode in a long string of borderline episodes for Falling Skies. Watch me deliver my thoughts and then tell me which parts of the episode you did and didn’t like. Twitter: @BaldMove Email:

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306 – Be Silent and Come Out

Another week of stupid camera mistakes means I’m almost completely in the dark this time.  Lets see if I can get it right next week Twitter: @BaldMove Email:

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305 – Search and Recover

I try to spruce up the cast with some clips from the show and some snazzy editing. Let me know if it worked. Twitter: @BaldMove Email:

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A Tale of Two Heroes

Arising from the ashes of our failed movie review series like the drunken pheonix he is, A.Ron emerges to give a review of the two premier superhero franchises at opposite ends of their respective lifespans.  “The Amazing Spider-Man” attempts to reboot the franchise around new, younger stars and an edgier, more deliberate retelling of the…

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Brave (2012)

Well what do you know?  A bonus-bonus cast!  Voting was so close for this week’s movies we decided to do both, one with me and Jim, and one with NotJim, my girlfriend.  As a head strong, rebellious redhead, I thought she could bring some thunder to a cast covering “Brave”, which features a head strong, rebellious redhead.  Did we strike more Pixar gold, or was this a Cars 2ish lump of coal?

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Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)

The third Bald Movie, “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” was an interesting choice for us.  Based on the book by the same title, (and screenwritten by the same author), I had started to talk myself into the notion that this movie could be cool; after all, Abraham Lincoln is the kind of historic figure that has the larger than life biography to fit something like vampire hunting into his life’s nooks and crannies, the Civil War provides an always fascinating background for great stories to be told, and, you know.  Vampires.  What did we think in the end?

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