
Walking Dead SURVIVAL Review for 203 “Save The Last One”

Hello, fellow surviors!  Here is this week’s survival review.  What’s good for the goose is good for the muhfukin’ gander, and thus we arrive at… Scenario 1:  Co-host of Watching Dead mucks up sound check, records entire podcast from his MacBook’s external speaker, bypassing approximate $500 worth of audio gear in the process, making the…

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Walking Dead Survival Review for 202 “Bloodletting”

Hello, fellow surviors!  Here is this week’s belated survival review. Scenario 1:  Co-host of the Watching Dead promises weekly column on Friday, doesn’t deliver until Monday morning. What Jim did:  Said, “That’s okay, just get it out whenever.” What Jim should have done: Punched A.Ron in the dick and screamed “NEXT TIME IT’S GOING TO…

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A.Ron’s Walking Dead Review – “Save The Last One” – 203

First off, I decided to re-watch episodes 101-103 this weekend.  Maybe having these recently in memory gave me new insights into the characters; but I’m really digging what they’re doing with Shane. AMC’s gimmick seems to be “head shave” = “bad guy”, but I wonder about Shane.  Did he do what he did because he…

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A.Ron’s Instant Walking Dead Review – 202 – “Bloodletting”

Now that’s The Walking Dead I know and love, NOT The Walking Dead that is annoying and I have a love/hate relationship with.  If you want to know why Jim and I were so hard on the show last week, it’s because we know it is capable of generating this level of drama and tension,…

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A.Ron’s Breaking Bad Instant Review – 413 – “Face Off”

First off, have you heard our instant review in podcast form?  Now for my review… Walt is now Scarface. And not just because he poisoned Brock.  He also used his innocent next door neighbor as a decoy to check to see if there were any assassins skulking about his place.  And there were, and she…

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A.Ron’s Breaking Bad Instant Review – “End Times” – 412

Looking for Jim’s take? As I said tonight on Facebook, this episode provoked two reactions; “Whoa”, and “WTF?”  I was blown away Brock’s poisoning, Jesse’s confrontation of Walt, and Walt getting back to Heisenburg mode.  The thing that left me with “WTF?”  Gus. It’s a hard sell for me to think Gus realized he was…

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A.Ron’s Breaking Bad Instant Review – “Crawl Space” – 411

Looking for Jim’s take? Wow.  Like I mentioned over on Facebook, this season hasn’t turned out anything like I expected.  When we saw the season 4 promos, with it’s growling announcer guy stating “Walter White has always been the one in danger.  Now he IS the danger,” I had visions of badass Heisenburg running around,…

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Jim’s Breaking Bad Instant Review – “Crawl Space” – 411

Looking for A.Ron’s take? Let me start this review off by quoting every single person on my Twitter feed: “Holy Shit!  Holy Shit!  Holy Shit!” To be honest, I was a little worried about the way this episode started out.  With only 2 episodes left until the finale, I was worried to see Jesse taking…

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A.Ron’s Breaking Bad Instant Review – “Salud” – 410

Looking for Jim’s take? Let’s talk a bit about expectations, shall we?  If you follow our Breaking Bad News, you know that last week we dished up some mega-spoilers for the rest of the season.  So, I knew, roughly speaking, what was going to happen.  I knew Don Eladio was going to be poisoned.  I…

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Jim’s Breaking Bad Instant Review – “Salud” – 410

Looking for A.Ron’s take? What do you do when you’re put in a difficult situation?  When pills and alcohol join up to unleash a world of emotions upon your unsuspecting child?  When you’re faced with the threat of all-out war with the head of a drug cartel?  When your ex lover/boss is in a jam…

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