
Bitch Slapping Mrs. Doubtfire – Episode 66

It’s rough going when you’re sitting across the casting table from the Unabomber.  But I persevere.  For the people.  For my people.  For you, people.  We open the show with some straight up BULLSHIT this week!  The apparently not-so-great state of Tennessee is banning the sharing of account credentials for services such as Netflix.  Jim survives an experience with Bitch Slap!, and A.Ron mourns the missed potential of Priest with a wheelbarrow laden review/recap.

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Monday Night Combat Review

Platform: PC Also available on: Xbox 360 Developer: Uber Entertainment Release date: Jan 24, 2011 Monday Night Combat is a unique hybrid of different genres, and to pass it off as a Team Fortress 2 clone would be dismissing what this game really is. Monday Night Combat is a 3rd person shooter that combines elements…

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Killzone 3 Review

Platform: PS3 Publisher: SCEA Developer: Guerrilla Games Release date: Feb 22, 2011 The Playstation 3 has a great line up of exclusive titles for this year. Many would probably say Killzone 3 was the marque first person shooter for the console, especially with the extra hype and marketing that Sony has pushed behind Killzone this…

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Fast Five (2011)

It had to be done, folks.  Just too high a concentration of badassery, bullshit, and balls to ignore.  Jim and A.Ron post up in a local BW to break down the latest installment of insanity that is the Fast & the Furious franchise.  Spoiler alert!  Cars are driven fast, women’s bodies are oggled, nitrous oxide is injected, cocoa butter is applied to arms, chin stubble is sported, and one liners spouted.  The audio quality is a little off since we recorded this on my blackberry sitting on a table during game four of the Bulls/ATL playoff series, but it’s easy to understand.

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Mel Gibson and the Magic Marker Kilt – Episode 61

The boys navigate dangerous waters as the PSN outage has been upgraded from a tropical shit storm to a full fledged fecal hurricane.  It must be discussed!  Jim and A.Ron break it down from a personal, gamer, and professional level.  Also, watching a serial killer on a weekly basis has Jim pondering “what makes great TV?”  A.Ron urges his fellow geek to live by a few simple economic rules, we celebrate Skynet’s birth day, and close out the cast with a review of Poral 2 from our forum’s own Darth Paxis and some Batmania from Stafa’s corner.

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Sodium Glow – Episode 59

This week we cover a lot of ground; stand up desks, Vibram Five Finger “shoes”, Cloud Girlfriends, a mini-review of Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch, nerd fitness updates, feedback from our listeners, update on the Blue Yonder Curse, and finally, Jim Jones makes an epic, not-to-be-missed accent debut in this week’s edition of Stafa’s Corner!

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Cursed! – Episode 58

You ever feel like some days you just can’t do anything right?  You wake up, stub your toe on the bedframe, cut yourself shaving, get your dick and/or vag caught in the zipper, proclaim the 3DS as a revolutionary break through in gaming, and declare nuclear power the safest thing since foam rubber?  Yeah, we have days like that.  And we record them for posterity.

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Salty Freedom – Episode 57

Here’ the deal, loyal listener.  I have no idea what this cast is about, cause I wasn’t a part of recording it.  I’m sure there will be reprisals from bagging on Jim last week, so no matter what cock-and-bull story they come up with, know this:  instead of casting, I was spending quality time with my progeny; introducing Star Wars to him for the first time.  Try holding that one against me.  Try it!  You can’t.  You can feel your black shriveled heart swelling 3x too big just thinking about it.

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Watersports – Episode 46

I know what you’re thinking. This is the Blue Yonder crew. I’m NOT listening to any damn thing that is tagged “watersports!” I know! I know. But listen, it’s not about what you’re thinking. Mostly not. Maybe a little? But it’s totally in a video game context, so I’m sure you can deal. If not, I have several really excellent therapists I can refer you to.

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