
Breaking Bad News – Wednesday 07/20/11 Edition

You guys heard our latest cast right?  If not, check it out, I promise it won’t be the worst thing you hear all day.  Also, you’ve responded like heroes yesterday, liking us on Facebook and giving us great reviews on iTunes.  Thank you so much!  Seeing all of the positive feedback makes Jim and I…

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Breaking Bad News — Tuesday 07/19/11 Edition

Kind of a light news day, which I expect going forward.  I mean, there is no shortage of one-note reviews that don’t break any new ground, rehashed quotes from Gilligan and the cast, etc, but I’m trying to only post new and noteworthy stuff.  But if you can’t get enough and you want to just drink…

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Breaking Bad News – Monday 07/18/11 Edition

First off, you guys took a look at our Instant Takes, right?  If not, you can read Jim’s here, and my own over here. As expected, there is a cornucopia of news, recaps, and reviews today.  I’m going to try to hit the high points.

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A.Ron’s Instant Take – “Boxcutter” – 401

Spoilers ahoy.  Do not read this unless you’ve seen the episode or don’t mind it being blown wide open. WOW.  I bet two things, right now:  1) I’m going to open A LOT of instant take’s with that word, and 2), boy I bet Walt wishes he had Tuco back, huh?  Tuco was a lot…

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Jim’s Instant Take – 401 – Boxcutter

Before I give my thoughts on the premiere of Season 4 of Breaking Bad, I’d like to thank Sony for providing Hank with one of their Vaio laptops, without which we would have been subjected to a full-on view of his junk. Now here’s my scatter-brained first impression of the episode: This episode really seemed…

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Brewing Madness – Episode 72

This week we bring back Michael “Madbrew” Brewer from MadBrewLabs for a three man debate about insane co-workers, assholes in RPGs, gaming culture, inclusiveness, women and minorities in gaming, who has rights to our friendships, and what we can or should do about our White/Straight/CIS/Male Privilege.

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Season 4 Podcasts with Breaking Bad Cast Members

The guys and girls from Breaking Bad have been on the publicity warpath lately, doing everything from interviews to promotional appearances.  We here at Bald Move obviously have are obviously softies for podcasting so I’ve compiled a list of recent podcasts where you can hear interviews with the cast members. InsideTV Podcast Interview with Aaron…

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Breaking Bad News, Friday 07/15/11 Edition

The online beef I talked about yesterday between Jason Whitlock and Chuck Klosterman went audio.  Bill Simmons did a podcast with Whitlock on the BS Report.  The part about Breaking Bad vs The Wire starts at about the 43 minute mark. My opinion?  I’m conflicted.  I think The Wire is the most significant and important…

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Breaking Bad News, Thursday 07/14/11 Edition

Hey there!  Sorry I’ve been remiss on the news front, work has been brutal this week.  Speaking of brutal, check out Bryan Cranston’s video interview with the Associate Press talking about his character’s transformation up until now, and going forward.  There is some great new footage in this, that shows that they were doing a…

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Walter White to die before end of Breaking Bad?

[WARNING: While the following article is mostly speculation, it may include spoilers.  Anyone who does not want their thoughts about Breaking Bad provoked should NOT read this article!] Will Harris posted an interview with Bryan Cranston today for the Onion’s A.V. Club.  It covers a scope of topics ranging from Bryan Cranston’s other upcoming work…

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