Robert Duvall

Days of Thunder (1990)

Days of Thunder is the semi-dramatic car-racing cousin of Talladega Nights. Director Tony Scott has helmed other high caliber projects such as Top Gun and Crimson Tide. It’s written by Robert Towne who penned Chinatown and Mission Impossible 1 and 2. So why did this movie turn out to be silly? Well, it could be the relationship between Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise. Maybe it’s Michael Rookers’ lack of caution with his brain bleed. Whatever it was, it didn’t stop Robert Ebert from breaking the ethos of Tom Cruise down to a science.

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The Godfather (50th Anniversary Re-release)

The Godfather was released 50 years ago today and we recorded a podcast for it almost as long ago. Ok, maybe it just feels like it. Enjoy our coverage of this classic film eight years after we recorded it.

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Falling Down (1993)

Special thanks to Ruben from Boston who selected the 1993 Joel Schumacher drama/thriller/anger-porno “Falling Down” as the subject of this podcast. And it got us thinking a lot about where we were when we first saw this movie, and where we’re at now, how this film fits into the pantheon of well made, highly regarded films, how it’s aged, and what its meanings are. Plus, we do a bonus retrospective of the strange career of wild excess that is Joel Schumacher.

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