
His Dark Materials – S01E04 – Armour

Cecily and Alexis discuss the latest episode of His Dark Materials, “Armour”.  They discuss the terrifyingly cute Iorek, the stage-ready Lee, and what the Dementors have done to poor Dudley all before heading NORTH! [groups_member group=”Members”] [/groups_member] [groups_non_member group=”Members”] Hey there!  Check out our Club Bald Move page to find out how you can gain…

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S01E04 – M. Night Shaym-Aliens!

This episode of Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty, S01E04, “M. Night Shaym-Aliens!” has us questioning whether we’re living in a simulation. Or even a simulation of a simulation. Will Rick out-scam the scammers? Is Morty even real? Will Jerry cement his status as world’s most pathetic human? Can any of these questions be answered other than “yes”?! As always, our initial review and episode discussion are spoiler-free for first time fans, but we have plenty of in-depth discussion of spoilers and behind the scenes details when we tune into dimension BM-77 at the end of the podcast!

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Quit Yer Pitchin’ – S01E04

This is a podcast where Jim and I, using tools created for the purpose, randomly generate a title for a fictional TV show. We then pitch ideas to each other based on what that show would be like if it were real. We like to call it, “Quit Yer Pitchin’!”

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