Samuel Jackson

True Romance (1993)

This week we’ve got a special treat thanks to our commissioner, Dena. It’s one of the handful of movies that Quentin Tarantino wrote, but didn’t direct. What do Tarantino’s unique sensibilities look like when filtered through another director? Find out with us on the True Romance podcast. You can get your very own custom commissioned…

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Pulp Fiction (1994)

Hey, it’s our first ever community commissioned podcast! Thanks to eight intrepid members of the Bald Move community for pitching in and making this podcast happen. Pulp Fiction is a Tarantino classic, starring Sam Jackson, John Travolta, Uma Thurman along with many others. It’s funny, it’s violent, it’s cool as hell, it is watchable as all hell, features a lot of interesting structural and visual details, and offers some of the all time best dialog ever. We love this film, and we hope you all love the podcast. If you want another Bald Move take, check out Eric and Levi’s Direct podcast covering Pulp Fiction.

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