Scarlett Johansson

The Prestige (2006)

Batman, Wolverine, and Black Widow star in Christopher Nolan’s adaptation of The Prestige. It has the hallmarks of a Nolan classic; a mind-bending plot, science fiction, and Michael Caine. Packed with detail, nuance, and hints, it’ll have you guessing until the very end. Join Jim and A.Ron as they comb over the details and hints in this brain-teaser of a film.

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Asteroid City (2023)

It’s a movie that is so Wes Anderson, you’ll be bathing in pastel colors and meta dialogue for the full 1 hour and 44 minute run. This movie will ask, but never answer, a handful of questions. Is this movie profound? Is the audience meant to understand it? What is that on Jason Schwartzman’s forehead?

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Marriage Story (2019)

Marriage Story is deceptively named, it has a deceptive poster, and its characters are deceiving (or at least deluding) themselves and their spouse. It’s a passionate movie that also feels real in the way that it could happen to anyone anywhere, even though its happening to two exceptionally successful people. Join us for the podcast to hear our full review.

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Black Widow (2021)

We’ve seen the only MCU movie about an Avenger to be posthumously titled with just their name, no subtitles, and we’re here to say that it’s still worth watching. Despite it being an origin story (of sorts) for an already-dead character and having a few third-act question marks, it manages to deliver on comedy, heart, thrills, and spectacle you want from a mainline Marvel hero story.

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Lost in Translation (2003)

Thanks to our fan Brady, we’re talking about one of my favorites, Sofia Coppola’s 2003 tale of ennui and self-discovery, Lost in Translation. Come listen to me discuss the early beginnings of my ScarJo crush as well as what makes this movie so personally identifiable to me and to probably everyone.

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Ghost in the Shell (2017)

Jim and A.Ron are surprisingly underwhelmed by the live action version of the classic sci-fi anime, Ghost in the Shell. Unimpressive from a philosophic and even action standpoint, both it’s ideas and stunts seemed largely tired and less alive than the half human half robot protagonist of the movie. The cast and crew give it a valiant try, but ultimately the slavish devotion to the source material is a millstone around the film’s neck that it can never quite shrug off. Enjoy the spoiler free movie and preview discussion, but if you want to hear our full spoiler filled thoughts you’re going to have to be a Club Member!

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