
MOPI Discussion — BONUS Cast

We knew a lot of you wouldn’t want to sit through even more discussion of singularity / Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect, but we had to get it out of our system. This book tends to do that to you. Bonus content to the rescue! Feast your ears on even more discussion and debate about trans-humanity, the ethics and morals of artificial intelligence, plot details, writing styles, graphic content, themes, allegories, religious allusions and other art major type bullshit! Or not!

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Prime Intellects – Episode 45

Whoa, whoa! Check out the big brains on Jim and A.Ron! We do the damn thing on technological singularities, the e-novella Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect, discuss the Little Big Planet 2 demo, touch ever so lightly on minecraft, declare total victory over Unwarranted Self Importants, and do some listener feedback. There’s some hot pillow biting action too. Something for everyone! Oh, and Amish Friendship Bread is a real thing. And terrifying.

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Episode 45 Preview

This week’s show, which drops Wednesday, will feature us discussing the concepts of a technological singularity, structured around a review/debate/discussion of the e-novel, Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect, which can be read in it’s entirety online. Please heed the warnings on site and below about the contents of this book. We talk about the subject in the cast proper for about 25 minutes, and will release another 40 minutes or so of the discussion as bonus content, where we really get in depth and philosophical. It’s different from our normal stuff, not as funny, per se, but very geeky and we hope interesting to you guys and gals.

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Tron: Legacy review – BONUS Cast

Hey guys, a bit of fresh content for your ear holes this fine post-xmas day. The entire Blue Yonder gang (including Peter!!) took in Tron:Legacy in mind-fucking IMAX3DOMFG-o-vision, and immediately returned to the newly christened (we all just peed in a corner and called it good) Bald Tower to talk about it. That’s the good news. The bad news is that there were some sound issues to overcome in the newly christened Bald Tower and poor old Tron Bonus Cast took the brunt of it.

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The Cast That Killed the Diamond Goose – Episode 38

The dynamic duo is back, with the audio quality better than ever.  We talk about worst jobs ever, how content producers can compete with pirates (and ninjas), The Walking Dead, Wil Wheaton, Brent Spiner, and LeVar Burton forming the Holy Trinity of Twitter, our manlove for Scott Pilgrim, TSA’s new airport molesting program (opt in!  opt in!), Carl Sagan’s COSMOS, evolution theory, and more!

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Is The Pope Catholic? – Episode 36

Does a Droid suck down batteries?  Do regional agreements blow?  Why is the government have it in for gay marriage?   Is Sony trying to pull off a plot from Superman 3?  What console just celebrated it’s 25th anniversary?  Does Jim have the worst taste in movies?  Is Peter ever going to cast again?  Explore the mysteries of life with your hosts on this week’s episode!

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Geek Colorblindness – Episode 12

Whether it’s RTS, fantasy or anime, every geek is immune to the charms of some band of the geek spectrum. Jim, Peter and A. Ron confront their biases and try to figure out why they exist in episode 12 of Blue Yonder.

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Wars vs. Trek (Part 2) – Episode 10

Part 2 of the Star Wars vs. Star Trek podcast covers the subjective quality of each franchise. The guys bust out another Would You Rather? segment and force themselves to choose. It’s a wild, flip-floppin’ ride so hold on!

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Wars vs. Trek – Episode 8

The debate has been raging for years, almost as long as the franchises have coexisted. Jim, Peter and A. Ron will finally put an end to the debate once and for all… or will they? Listen to find out!

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