
1899 – S01E07-8

This is the last installment of Bald Move’s 1899 coverage and we have some answers to big questions! It was nothing like we expected, which means it was exactly what we expected. In the spirit of the creators it was a timey-wimey, mind-bending web that Jim and A.Ron try to untangle for you. Jump in and listen to the theories and remaining questions.

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1899 – S01E05-6

As more character backstories are revealed, we get some questions answered. But don’t worry, we still have plenty of questions and theories to discuss. Have these people been experimented on? Are you, the audience, being experimented on? Is the mind a prison? Or is the mind imprisoned? What else floats out there on the vast ocean?

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1899 – S01E03-4

Inexplicable. Creepy. Foggy. Bodies keep piling up, factions are formed, and Jim still hasn’t noticed the triangle pupils. Are these vanishing cabinets? Is everyone dead? What happened to these people? We may not know what’s going on, but count us entertained!

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1899 – S01E01-2

A dense fog sits on the water as you stand on the bow of a creaking ship. Footsteps approach from behind! Out of the fog emerges Captain A.Ron and First Mate Jim. They’re here to break down the show 1899 from the creators of Dark. Get a rundown of the characters, overview of the plot of the first two episodes, and a beginning to theory crafting that is sure to get out of hand.

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Season 6 Strategy – Peace Among Worlds

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Brazil (1985)

It’s not just a philosophy teacher’s fever dream. Brazil, directed and co-written by Monty Python alum Terry Gilliam, has a lot to say about technology, bureaucracy, and loss of individual freedom between scenes of intestinal air ducts and suits full of sewage. There’s stuff we did and didn’t like, but I think we can all appreciate seeing Jonathan Pryce in one of his few leading roles. Grab your annotated copy of 1984 and settle in for this light sci-fi, absurdist criticism of society.

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Season 3 – Wrapup and Feedback

In the distant past of 1990s Earth, the world of For All Mankind wrapped up its third season. With two new showrunners on the horizon and season that was…let’s say a mixed bag, we’ve got feedback with love and distaste for the show. Coverage of season 4 is TBD, so in the meantime, check out more of our Prestige episodes!

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S03E10 – Stranger in a Strange Land

With a satisfying conclusion to a rocky season, Jim and A.Ron are here to break down their favorite and not-so-favorite moments of the season finale. A.Ron rescinds his previous “jumped the shark” analysis. With one great scene after another, the conclusion of this season came as an emotional gut punch. After that ending, A.Ron and Jim are looking forward to next season.

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S03E09 – Coming Home

Big Internet points to whoever predicted this episode’s turn of events. We get payoffs, time jumps that make us ask “What happened to Sergei?”, and we get a glimpse at the very real consequences of further automating our businesses and lives. It’s a packed episode and we’re looking forward to the next.

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S03E08 – The Sands of Ares – Feedback

We’re back for another round of your feedback. We’ll have at least one more of these after the finale so send your feedback in to

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