
Truffle Shuffle – Episode 69

This is a terrible cast.  I honestly wouldn’t listen to it, if I were you.  I mean, I gotta keep it real, right?  I can’t say how awesome our casts are and it mean anything and then drop a turd and talk it up, yeah?  Yeah.

Thing is, I’m not sure why it flopped on it’s face.  We had some good bullshit up front; pimping the Brew Ha Ha, advances in metallurgy, saying a happy birthday to Alan Turing, and talking about Terry Prachett’s dignity in making end of life decisions.  A.Ron plugs one of his favorite twitter feeds, @humblebrag.

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Bitch Slapping Mrs. Doubtfire – Episode 66

It’s rough going when you’re sitting across the casting table from the Unabomber.  But I persevere.  For the people.  For my people.  For you, people.  We open the show with some straight up BULLSHIT this week!  The apparently not-so-great state of Tennessee is banning the sharing of account credentials for services such as Netflix.  Jim survives an experience with Bitch Slap!, and A.Ron mourns the missed potential of Priest with a wheelbarrow laden review/recap.

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10e31 Particles – Episode 65

This week the guys get local up front with news for a possible Brew Ha Ha meet up in downtown Indy, we mourn the passing of a giant with our observation of Towel Day, Jimbo Wales has delusions of grandeur regarding Wiki as a World Wonder, don’t mess with the TSA, Texas, and Jim pitches the idea of laser tag hair removal.

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Chaotic Camel Catastrophe – Episode 64

You got to ask yourself.  What are you going to do?  What the hell are you going to do when you’re staring down a pack of water crazed camels hell bent on sucking the vital fluids from your air conditioner, your toilet, your water pipes?  When they come as an unstoppable lumpy force to destroy your very means of modern life?  One hump or two, motherfucker?  One hump or TWO!?

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To Roger With Love – Episode 63

The fans have been clammoring (clammoring!) for Jim and A.Ron to sing a duet of the inimitable Garth Brook’s “Low Places” for over a year now.  Actually, that’s a lie.  But!  You can still hear it if you stick around after the outro in this week’s episode!  Leading up to the big finish, we give a bit of PSN update, I talk gearhead bullshit for a minute, we talk about the local board gaming scene, the mighty THOR not sucking nearly as much as we presupposed, and whether Chris Hemsworth could earn a spot in the badass pantheon.

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Escape From BOTany Bay – Episode 56

You’re not going to believe the twists and turns this week’s episode brings!  We learn about the relative safety of nuclear power, a glimpse into the guy’s latest gaming habits, risky WOW behavior, and Peter and A.Ron square off in a heated no holds barred bad-accent contest.  Enjoy!

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Unboxed – Episode 51

This week’s cast is HOT.  You know me well enough that if we have an iffy or so-so week, I’ll tell you up front.  “Under-promise and over-deliver”, that’s the A.Ron motto.  In related news; I’m a mediocre lover, ladies.  Rowr.

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MOPI Discussion — BONUS Cast

We knew a lot of you wouldn’t want to sit through even more discussion of singularity / Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect, but we had to get it out of our system. This book tends to do that to you. Bonus content to the rescue! Feast your ears on even more discussion and debate about trans-humanity, the ethics and morals of artificial intelligence, plot details, writing styles, graphic content, themes, allegories, religious allusions and other art major type bullshit! Or not!

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Prime Intellects – Episode 45

Whoa, whoa! Check out the big brains on Jim and A.Ron! We do the damn thing on technological singularities, the e-novella Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect, discuss the Little Big Planet 2 demo, touch ever so lightly on minecraft, declare total victory over Unwarranted Self Importants, and do some listener feedback. There’s some hot pillow biting action too. Something for everyone! Oh, and Amish Friendship Bread is a real thing. And terrifying.

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Episode 45 Preview

This week’s show, which drops Wednesday, will feature us discussing the concepts of a technological singularity, structured around a review/debate/discussion of the e-novel, Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect, which can be read in it’s entirety online. Please heed the warnings on site and below about the contents of this book. We talk about the subject in the cast proper for about 25 minutes, and will release another 40 minutes or so of the discussion as bonus content, where we really get in depth and philosophical. It’s different from our normal stuff, not as funny, per se, but very geeky and we hope interesting to you guys and gals.

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