Season 1

Vampire’s Kiss (1988) – Rewrite

We take a couple cracks at the Vampire’s Kiss rewrite; one serious, one not so much. Can we fix a movie that isn’t worth watching without its lead actor? If not, maybe we can further ruin the movie in search of the dark comedy within?

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The Romanoffs – 107 – End of the Line

This, by our estimation, is the second best episode of Amazon Prime’s The Romanoffs, but unfortunately, that’s not saying much about “End of the Line”. It features fairly engaging material involving a couple desperate to have a child engaging in grey-market adoption shenanigans in Russia, and the man and woman in question are appealing and sympathetic as leads. The script also approaches “crackling” in places, as these potential parents begin to fight over how far they’re willing to go and what compromises they’re willing to accept for their child, as the adoption environment itself plays on their paranoia and prejudice. Unfortunately, all this is betrayed by what has become as much of a Romanoffs trademark as it’s nebulous connection to the titular theme; uninspired directing and editing.

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Con Air (1997)

Multiple viewings and hours of sober reflection have led us both to believe that Con Air is a bad movie. The plot is contrived, the accents are awful, and it’s perhaps the least “Cagey” performance in Cage’s entire career. And yet, maybe based on star-power alone, it remains a classic which simply must be watched.

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Con Air (1997) – Rewrite

A shocking discovery was made as we attempted to rewrite the cheesy classic, Con Air: It’s actually way harder than you think to fix this movie. Does that mean that the plot is actually better thought-out than we first assumed? Or is the fundamental idea so flawed that it’s simply impossible to film if you respect your audience? Or perhaps it’s simply a lack of imagination on our part? Any way you view it, we had to get real silly to make this one work, but we had a lot of fun in the process.

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Con Air (1997) – LIVEWATCH

We kicked off the back half of Season of the Cage with perhaps his most mainstream film of all time, Con Air. Does that mean it’s inoffensive? No. Is it one of Cage’s more impressive acting jobs? Also, no. Is it even a good film? Again, no. But that also doesn’t mean it’s not a fun movie to watch. Jim loves it, A.Ron probably doesn’t, but you should decide for yourself as you listen to us make jokes over it.

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Adaptation (2002)

We’re back with a review of Charlie Kaufman’s 2002 “look-mom-I-wrote-myself-into-this-movie-about-orchids” classic, Adaptation. It’s a real noodle-bender which features one of Nicolas Cage’s finest performances. Fitting, since it puts a bow on the Summer portion of Season of the Cage.

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Adaptation (2002) – LIVEWATCH

Despite containing perhaps Nicolas Cage’s finest performance, and being one hell of an interesting movie, we manage to turn the livewatch for Adaptation into nearly two hours of jokes about missing teeth, monkeys, and a man who loves to fuck orchids. Enjoy the show!

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Adaptation (2002) – Extended Discussion

Turns out that the discussion presented in our review of Adaptation was about half of what we actually recorded. In typical fashion, we digressed quite a bit into topics that we’ll call “creatively related” to the movie; what Dan Harmon has to say about creative writing, episodic vs. serialized TV, our creative hangups and methods for overcoming them. As Club Bald Move members, you get to enjoy the entirety of our extended Adaptation discussion.

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The Romanoffs – 105 – Bright and High Circle

The fifth episode of Amazon’s The Romanoffs has something to say, but we’re not sure what it is, if it’s worth saying, and if Matthew Weiner is the right spokesperson for the message, which seems to be; the worst thing you can be accused of is accusing somebody else of something they didn’t do. Regardless of how we felt about the themes at play, the presentation left a lot to be desired as well, featuring clunky dialog and either stagey acting and/or bizarre editing choices or both. You know, hallmarks of Mad Men, the series that made Weiner famous. 

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The Weather Man (2005)

The Season of the Cage continues with another of Nicolas Cage’s best films, The Weather Man (2005). He plays a well-payed Chicago weather man who would have the perfect life if only he could make his father proud, get the job of his dreams, win back his ex-wife, and stop ruining the lives of his children. Will Cage’s raging summer ever end? Yeah, of course it will, so enjoy it while it lasts.

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