Season 3

Yellowjackets – S03E03 – Them’s the Brakes

Let’s get down to crazy-lady business. Jim and A.Ron are interpreting the whispers of the Wilderness in this episode of the Bureau of Citizen Detectives. Get a comprehensive chain of ownership of the necklace. Mari and Saint Coach are at odds. Lottie is sinking her claws into Callie. And A.Ron has been cursed by the wilderness.

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Yellowjackets – S03E01-2 – It Girl, Dislocation

The Yellowjackets are back! After two years, Jim and A.Ron wander back into the 90s wilderness where the teenage girls strive to survive. In the present day, Misty is becoming Natalie. Lottie and Callie are getting close. And Shauna wants to speak to the manager. Jim and A.Ron are here to discuss characters, plots, and…

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Yellowjackets – S03 Preview

There is a new season of Yellowjackets creeping towards us. Jim and A.Ron, your intrepid citizen detectives, are back to discuss where the show left off and theories for season three! Subscribe to Bureau of Citizen Detectives to stay in the know!

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The Bear – S03E08-10 – Ice Chips, Apologies, Forever

This is the final course in The Bear Season 3. We may not know what the review for The Bear says, but we know what Jim and A.Ron think! The word of the show is “closure”, everyone wants it, but no one can find it. After riding the highs and lows, Jim and A.Ron have some projections for the next and final season.

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The Bear – S03E05-7 – Children, Napkins, Legacy

The Fak of the matter is this show is serving one stellar episode after another. Jim and A.Ron are ready to gorge on the middle of season 3 of The Bear. Has Carmy learned to get out his own way? Can Ritchie figure out how to not f up? Will Sugar’s baby also have a sarcastic, food-related nickname? Sink your teeth into this podcast to find out.

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The Bear – S03E01-4 – Tomorrow, Next, Doors, Violet

Grab your knives, The Bear is back for Season 3 on Hulu. Jim and A.Ron are here to dig into the flavors, aromas, and unresolved trauma of past seasons. Carmy has lofty goals. Richie is feeling lost. Sugar’s baby is coming. And Syd is caught in the middle of all of it.

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Why is Mr. Feeny a Car?! – S03E10 – Knight Rider (1982) – S03E06 – “KITT vs. KARR”

Closing out our very special season of Mr. Feeny with the return of a very special supervillain, KARR! The evil super car is back with a new voice and a new look, but he’s still at it with the low stakes crimes sprees aided and abetted by pretty dumb guys that nevertheless have the one quality that KARR lacks; hands. Will KARR prove to be the superior autonomous roving vehicle? Or will Michael and KITT be able to boost their way to another victory? Find out, in this thrilling conclusion to this season of Feeny!

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Why is Mr. Feeny a Car?! – S03E09 – Knight Rider (1982) – S02E18 & 19 – “Goliath Returns”

We’re back with another shadowy flight with KNIGHT RIDER! In this episode, Michael comes face to face with his most dangerous foe yet; African Prison Rats! Also, Garth Knight, and, I guess, Goliath? It’s a wild and wooly episode and we are ready for it! Next week we close out the season with another returning supervillain in “KITT vs. KARR!”

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Why is Mr. Feeny a Car?! – S03E08 – Small Wonder (1985) – S02E01 – “Smoker’s Delight (Chewed Out)”

We saved the best very special episode for last! Wait a minute, check that… this is actually the worst. Take a syndicated show about a goofy loser who invents a perfect robot replica of a little girl, and then have them take a strong stand on tobacco with some extremely interesting takes on adolescent privacy and smoking cessation for youth, to put it mildly. Hey, it’s Small Wonder, but at least it’s short. Next week, on to KNIGHT RIDER!

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Why is Mr. Feeny a Car?! – S03E07 – Little House on the Prairie (1974) – S02E15 – “A Matter of Faith”

Does this episode even qualify as a very special episode? Maybe as a cautionary tale to keep your tetanus shot updated? Jay and A.Ron ponder this and many other intersections of the tradwife lifestyle and old school settler/colonialism in 19th century America. Plus, an update on how to do CPR properly from a health care professional. They sent along a video of a robot doing chest compressions on a human being and it’s not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach!

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