season 4

404 – Edward Mordrake Part Two

Happy Halloween, everybody! A.Ron and Cecily are surprisingly moved by the twisted tale of a simple, misunderstood clown. In an episode packed full of unexpected feels, we get the backstories for Paul the Illustrated Seal, Legless Suzy, Ms. Mars, our favorite mush mouth, and witness the Dandy taking the leap to star villain. All this plus gobs of your feedback.

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403 – Edward Mordrake Part One

A.Ron and Cecily discuss yet another music episode of American Horror Story: Freakshow. Topics covered include the mating habits of conjoined twins, Russell Edgington’s Celtic Sword, Dora’s standoff with Dandy, and living in a Freakshow Paradise.

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402 – Massacres and Matinees

A.Ron and Cecily discuss the horrifying new episode of FX’s American Horror Story: Freakshow, “Massacres and Matinees”. Horrifying mostly due to a certain mouth we are introduced to. Also discussed; configurations of slots and tabs, Ms. Mars hidden talents, Dell and Desiree’s complexities, and poor, pitiful Meep.

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401 – Monsters Among Us

American Horror Story season four debuted this week on FX with “Monsters Among Us”, an excellent introduction to a fantastic world of the weird and wacky. We discuss erotic Tupperware(tm) parties, the ethics and morality of the Freaks, David Bowie anachronisms, and struggle with Kathy Bates’ accent. All that and your typically stellar fan feedback. Can’t wait for next week!

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Season Four Preview

Guess who’s back with a brand new podcast! Cecily and A.Ron get the feed started and the party rocking by discussing the upcoming season of American Horror Story: Freakshow, strong female roles, diversity, and finally ask if American Horror Story is the most feminist show on television?

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410 – The Children

Jim and A.Ron go all out talking about the season 4 finale of Game of Thrones, episode 410, “The Children”. In what turned out to be a behemoth, two and a half hour extravaganza, they boys discuss the merits of mounted cavalry versus untrained foot soldiers, whether the tree cave was more LotRy or Fraggle Rocky, who had Arya’s best interests at heart, what’s worse; a punch to the nuts or a savage kick to the vagoo, and finally, just how Effed in the Bee is Westeros at the close of this season? All this, plus a ton of feedback, and A.Ron tries to talk book readers off their ledge in the spoiler section. Don’t forget, we come back next week for an epic season four wrap up cast! Have something you still need to get off your chest, send it in!

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410 – The Children – Instant Take

A.Ron and Jim give their instant opinions on episode 410, “The Children”, the season 4 finale of Game of Thrones.

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407 – “Dead Weight”

If you’re a true-blue Walking Dead fan and loved this episode and couldn’t get enough of the Governor or his storyline, this might not be the cast for you. A.Ron straight up hates it, and Jim likes it but only if he grants that the entire two episode arc is an unnecessary distraction from what’s…

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406 – “Live Bait” – Instant Take

Episode 406, “Live Bait” of The Walking Dead turns out to be very polarizing.  People seemed to either love it or hate it.  What was Jim and A.Ron’s initial reaction?  Listen and find out, you might be surprised…

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The Making of a Skit

Ever wondered how we produce the skits that you hear on the beginning of our podcasts? Well, now you can get a front row seat. This is the first in a series of behind-the-scenes skit videos that we’ll be making for you. The first one is a bit rough and there’s a lot of the…

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