season 4

Breaking Bad Season Four Wrap-up

Welcome to this bittersweet episode of Breaking Good! We are over the moon about the way the season went, but sad that we have to wait almost a year to find out what’s next for Walt and Jesse. We reflect on our favorite moments, thoughts for next season, predictions that came true and those that flamed out, and read the final thoughts from our listeners on Breaking Bad.

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413 – Listener Feedback

We promised a listener feedback episode this week and we delivered! We tried to give some attention to everyone’s thoughts but even after cutting some emails for time and ONLY covering your thoughts we STILL barely brought the episode in under an hour thirty! Seriously, the feedback is overwhelming but we love it. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this episode and those whose feedback we just didn’t have the time to read on air. We appreciate all of it!

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413 – Face Off

Breaking Bad season four is in the books! Last night’s episode “Face Off” capped off a remarkable story arc that has lasted over two seasons, and where it goes from here, is anyone’s guess.

In this episode, Jim and A.Ron recap the episode, analyze how the various plots and machinations resolved, talk about lose ends, and speculate a bit about what comes next for our favorite show. We had so much thoughts by ourselves that we couldn’t get hardly any feedback in. So, Wednesday we’re recording round 2, that features nothing but thoughts from you guys.

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413 – Face Off – Instant Take

Holy shit! No time for witty text, here’s Jim and A.Ron’s Instant Review of “Face Off” in podcast form! It’s less than 15 minutes long, and sort of unusually low-key. We were trying to be quiet since my five year old was asleep in the next room over. 😀

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412 – End Times

This week we discuss dramatic crying, playing spin the revolver, burger-flipping knock and talks, Tuvok’s mastery of the art of dickishness, Meat Eating Man’s magic hands, stress smoking, playing with fire, ricin emergencies, cold packs and hot stoves, and cap things off with the Mother of Breaking Bad Theory discussions.

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411 – Crawl Space

We talk about tongue shots, scales balancing, Walt’s face, Gus’s possible man crush on Jesse, Ted’s dumb, smarmy ass, a bridge too far for Tio, Hank’s suspicious mind, Carnivore’s performance problems, Walt begging, twice, badass Volvo station wagons, Breaking Bad’s OCD obsession with cleanliness, and Walt getting low.

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410 – Salud

In this week’s episode, we talk about gifts of booze and bad cars, Jesse laying down the law, Walt Jr’s possible drug thievery, Ted being in the dumbass business, A.Ron’s hatred for Tuvok, Gus’s ambivalence when confronted with ‘dat ass, and his badassness when confronted with damn near anything else.

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409 – Bug

In this week’s episode we discuss tiger eyes, chicken slinging sons of bitches, Pontiac Aztecs with sweet ass camping packages, smoke breaks, lots of angles, some Terminator type shit, the Quicken, dinner time with Gus, and savage beatings.

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408 – Hermanos

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Labor Day. Jim and I were hard at work making podcasts in the lab, and this is the latest result. We talk about all things Gus, Jesse’s shirt, Chilean history, perfect storms, the significance of eyeballs, and more listener feedback than you can shake a GPS tracker at.

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408 – Hermanos – Instant Take

Well, here is our little experimental insta-cast! It’s 15 minutes of raw, un-rehearsed reaction. It doesn’t have a full recap, or in-depth analysis, we ask more questions than anything else. Let us know what you think. If you like it, and we can fit it into our schedules, we’ll try it again.

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