Season 5

502 – Madrigal

Breaking Bad comes roaring back this week with an awesome, instant classic episode. It had it all; great writing, great direction, great acting, humor, suspense… it’s hard to find something we didn’t like. We consider some show ratings news, our in depth recap, and consider your feedback.

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501 – Live Free or Die

So this is kind of awkward. Months of waiting, weeks of intense anticipation, days of breathless excitement, and then the premier came, and it was kind of just… okay? Okay on the Breaking Bad scale happens to put it better than just about any show on the air, but still. What did we like? What didn’t we like? What did we learn, and what new questions were raised? And what did you, the fellow Breaking Bad fan have to say? This one was long, as we had a shocking amount of email to plow through, but we hope it was worth it, and look forward to seeing how this fascinating show manages to work its way through it’s fifth and final season.

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Season Five Preview / Predictions

Can you believe it? We’re less than five days out from the season five premier of Breaking Bad! Join us for about an hour of previews, predictions, listener feedback and speculation, and a little bit of season five spoilers in our handy dandy spoiler section. Just a heads up, we consider any material or interview that has come out as part of the season five promotion to be NOT spoilers. So, if you’re squeemish about stuff like that, you might want to stay completely clear.

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