Season 8

810 – “Apocalypse Then” – Instant Take

We’re not saying the latest episode of FX’s American Horror Story, “Apocalypse Then” is a disappointment, exactly. But it sure wasn’t a success. Honestly, we’d have rather gotten a “to be continued” rather than a slap dash climax with a too long and puzzling denouement that offers a breezy, cheesy Harry Potter “all is well” wrap up before immediately blowing it up. It’s hard to shake the feeling that Cordelia’s coven, and indeed Michael the Antichrist deserved better, to say nothing of Hawthorne’s School and their Exceptional Young Men. Midway through the season we just wanted more, more! And we kept getting less, and less. Ah well, that’s what we thought. How about you! Meet you back here in two so we can hash it out on the FINAL FEEDBACK FRIDAY of the season!

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809 – “Fire and Reign” – Feedback Friday!

Cecily and A.Ron open up the mailbag and consider feedback for the latest episode of FX’s American Horror Story: Apocalypse.

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809 – Fire and Reign – Instant Take

Cecily and A.Ron declare the latest episode of FX’s American Horror Story: Apocalypse, “Fire and Reign” to be, at the very least, banging adjacent. Sure, there isn’t a lot here that is new, and it’s feeling more and more of a lock that next week is going to end with “TO BE CONTINUED”. But, there was a lot of entertaining action, fun world building with new wrinkles of witchcraft (allowing a Romanoffs crossover!), and we feel a bit more self-awareness in the jokes and Illuminati-fueled madness. Can’t wait to see what you all though on FEEDBACK FRIDAY!

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808 – “Sojourn” – Feedback Friday!

Cecily and A.Ron open up the mailbag and consider feedback for the latest episode of FX’s American Horror Story: Apocalypse, “Sojourn”!

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808 – “Sojourn” – Instant Take

Cecily and A.Ron can’t believe what they’re seeing with the latest episode of FX’s American Horror Story, “Sojourn”! How do you make a Halloween episode that airs on the actual Halloween in a historically fun season of AHS suck like an old school Hoover vacuum? We showed up at Murphy’s house for treats tonight and all we got was stale black licorice. Maybe he gave you full sized Snickers and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups? Email in and tell us all about it for Feedback Friday!

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807 – Traitor – Feedback Friday!

Cecily and A.Ron open up the mailbag and consider feedback for the latest episode of FX’s American Horror Story: Apocalypse.

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807 – Traitor – Instant Take

Cecily and A.Ron are here to discuss the latest episode of FX’s American Horror Story: Apocalypse, “Traitor”. A fun episode, which attempts to even out the odds between Michael’s malevolence and Cordelia’s rag-tag and mostly resurrected group of Goode witches and warlocks. There’s also a bit of talk about Mallory being the new Supreme, but we figured that out 2 weeks ago. It was nice seeing Nan raising hell with Papa Legba, too. But mostly it’s just fun watching Joan Collins and Cheyenne Jackson vamp and scarf throw their way through this breezy episode of AHS. Don’t forget we come back in two days for Feedback Friday! See you then…

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806 – “Return to Murder House” – Feedback Friday!

Cecily and A.Ron open up the mailbag and consider feedback for the latest episode of FX’s American Horror Story: Apocalypse.

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806 – Return to Murder House – Instant Take

A.Ron and Cecily have a lot of fun with American Horror Story’s “Return to Murder House”. It’s a lot of demonic exposition, but it’s nice to see the work load spread among the Harmon family and Constance Langdon. We get the devilish details of Michael growing up, from murderous toddler to rapid-grown Son of Satan, and a lot of those deets are truly disturbing and diabolical. It’s not all work and no play; several of the restless ghosts of Murder House finally get happy endings. What did you all think? Let us know, cause we’ll be back for Feedback Friday!

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805 – Boy Wonder – Feedback Friday!

Cecily and A.Ron open up the mailbag and consider feedback for the latest episode of FX’s American Horror Story: Apocalypse, “Boy Wonder”.

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