Season Five

503 – “What Jesus Said”

Welcome back to The Speakeasy, where we consider episode 503 of Boardwalk Empire, “What Jesus Said.”  Jim and A.Ron talk about the surfeit of “boys” and “uckys” in Boardwalk, smooth dialog, the sad state of Nucky’s nightclub in the hands of Mickey Doyle, Joe Kennedy’s teetotaling, childhood sweethearts, the return of Marge, and theorize on…

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502 – “The Good Listener”

Jim and A.Ron break down a very “boardwalky” episode of Boardwalk Empire, “The Good Listener”.  We talk about the Kennedy Family Empire, speculate on who Gillian is corresponding with, marvel at Stephen Graham’s performance as the coke/syphilis addled Capone, and ponder how Nucky’s childhood informs our understanding of Nucky the man.  All this, plus your…

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501 – “Golden Days for Boys and Girls”

Boardwalk Empire is officially back, and we’re here to cover its swan song.  A.Ron is more than a little nervous about all the apparently pointless and redundant flashbacks when coming to grips with a shortened season that starts off with a huge time leap.  What happened to A.R.?!  Where the hell is Eli and Capone?!  CHAULKY’S…

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Season Five Preview

Jim and A.Ron embark on a new venture, as they open The Speakeasy, their podcast covering the final season of HBO’s fantastic Boardwalk Empire.  Join us as we discuss why BWE is so criminally underrated, how the show will deal with its Margaret problem, how Winter and company will deal with the 7 year flash forward,…

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Breaking Bad Series Wrap Up – Part 2

And now, for real. This is the end. The last Bald Move podcast for the finale season of “Breaking Bad”. And fittingly, it’s mostly about you, the listener. Your predictions. Your final thoughts and feedback. Your fan-made projects and labors of love. Other than a brief diversion to talk about Jeffery Katzenburg’s ludicrous 75 million dollar offer for just three more episodes of “Breaking Bad”, it’s all feedback. Hope you enjoy it!

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Breaking Bad Series Wrap Up – Part 1

Well friends, it’s time to say our final goodbyes, to shut off the lights, and to head home. Join us for part one of our farewell series as we speculate on the fates of the remaining characters post-series lives, and give recommendations of other shows to try to fill in the void in your television viewing habits now that Breaking Bad has exited stage left.

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516 – Felina

And now we arrive at the end, “Felina”. I had such an awesome time at our Breaking Bad finale party, that it didn’t even sink in until my private rewatchings at home how bittersweet it was. Walt falling dead in the arms of his lover; science, chemistry, even meth, after having finally provided for his family, made peace with his wife, and freed his partner… it was pretty intense. A lot of people, critics and fans, have quibbles about the pacing, the plot, the neatness of it all, but to me, it was a love letter from Vince to us. Like Batman to Gotham city, “Felina” perhaps wasn’t the ending that Walt, and by extension, us, deserved. But it was the ending that we needed.

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516 – “Felina” – A.Ron’s “Instant Take” Review

I don’t know what the reaction is from the critics, or even a sizable sample of the Breaking Bad fandom, but from our little room in Anderson, Indiana, everyone seemed to really dig the finale, as did everyone on our Facebook thread. I outlined at the beginning of this season what I was hoping the…

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516 – “Felina” – Jim’s Instant Review

The Villigan has been quoted as saying the series finale of Breaking Bad would not please all the fans.  While I agree that it’s impossible to please everyone, this is one fan who was certainly pleased. I can’t imagine a more fitting end for Walter White.  He finally admitted that his reasons for doing the…

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516 – Felina – Instant Take

The End of Breaking Bad. Wow. I think I’m still in denial, honestly, but what I’m not denying is this: this was the most incredible finale season I’ve ever seen, and I am 100% satisfied with how things went for the final episode.

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