Season Five

515 – Granite State

The penultimate episode turned out to be the calm before the presumed storm of the finale. It featured many scenes of quiet introspection, a character study of two desperate men; one with no choices available to him at all, and the other with a few good choices left but lacking the will to act on any of them, too prideful and stubborn to admit defeat. Not to his lawyer, not to the authorities, not to his family, not to death himself.

Come join us for a discussion of vulgar neo-nazi gang signs, dopey, dead-eyed pieces of shit, the arguable “death” of Heisenberg, grey matters, the plump, full lips gang, Flynn’s righteous anger, and the straw(s) that un-broke the Heisenberg’s back.

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515 – “Granite State” – Jim’s Instant Take Review

I think I may have dropped the oh-shit-this-show-makes-me-feel-dirty bomb a week too early.  That idea was ratcheted up this week. All along, we’ve been questioning where to draw the line on Walter White.  When should we jump ship and say “this is an evil man, he deserves what he gets”?  For many, that line was…

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515 – “Granite State” – A.Ron’s “Instant Take” Review

Up until tonight, I could see a semi-happy ending to Breaking Bad.  I had to squint maybe, but it was there.  Okay, so what if Walt, Skyler, Hank, Marie, even Walt Jr. end up biting it.  We can always have Jesse and Baby Holly on the run with a barrel full of cash.  I’d take…

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515 – Granite State – Instant Take

We had a lot to say about this episode, without talking about the actual episode. Is that weird? It’s just all our thoughts and feelings about this season, and where it’s going, and whether we feel good about it or not. It’s a weird “instant cast” for a weird, slower paced, brutal penultimate episode. I think my last hopes for even a modicum of happy ending died tonight. Can’t wait to see what everybody else thought!

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514 – Ozymandias

Watching this episode took a year off my life, Princess Bride-style. It felt like it lasted 3 weeks long. It was sad, heart-pounding, gut wrenching, and absolutely a stunning hour of television. Find out what our final review was, as we discuss Uncle Jack’s soft spot, Ozymandias references and homages, the curious indifference to reckless driving and bullet holes by the NM State Police, stray dogs, and stealth f-bombs. All this, your feedback, and a very, very light spoiler section as we enter the home stretch of this final season of Breaking Bad.

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514 – “Ozymandias” – Jim’s Instant Take Review

Last week in our podcast covering “To’Hajiilee”, I refused to judge the wisdom of ending the episode in the middle of what everyone expected to be a fatal gunfight for Hank, Gomie, Jesse, Walt or maybe just everyone.  After seeing this week’s episode – “Ozymandias” – I’m glad I held that judgement.

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514 – “Ozymandias” – A.Ron’s “Instant Take” Review

Breaking Bad returned to form, once again proving that it’s worth grinding your gears a little to get to the “good stuff”.  In this case, the “good stuff” was really, really bad, awful in places, but it was some of the best damned television I’ve ever watched. What else can you say about an hour…

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514 – Ozymandias – Instant Take

You all saw the episode. You know we have much to talk about. Let’s get it on then! Jesse! Hank! Walt Jr! Holly! Todd! We hit all the high points, but join us for our COMPLETE coverage on Tuesday night!

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513 – To’hajiilee

Hello and welcome to the back half of the final season of Breaking Bad. This week we discuss “To’hajiilee”, where Jesse hits Walt where he really lives, out in the deep desert, with eight figures buried just under foot. Join Jim and A.Ron as they discuss Huell’s waffles, Saul’s fifty, Hank’s gambit, Walt’s surrender, Todd’s creep, snot-yellow meth, neo-nazi marksmanship, and Hank’s fleeting moment of triumph. All this, your feedback, and a bit of the old spoiler action in our proprietary spoiler section at the end of the cast.

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513 – “To’Hajiilee” – Jim’s Instant Take Review

The tables are turned this week and the mighty Heisenberg is finally captured… at least for a few seconds. Though not quite as twisty as last week’s timeline-slight-of-hand episode, I really appreciated the way the plot unfolded in To’Hajiilee.  Hank has a history of taking pictures of crime scenes on his shitty 90’s flip phone…

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