Season Four

403 – “Isolation” – Instant Take

Hot, fresh, “Instant Cast” available for “The Walking Dead” episode 403, “Isolation”! Now in two easily consumable formats; the classic podcast, and the new video cast, which is linked below. Choose your own adventure!

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402 – Survival Guide – “Infected”

Welcome back, fellow survivors!  It’s time to hand out report cards for how Rick and the gang did on this week’s episode of AMC’s “The Walking Dead”, 403 “Infected”. The scenario:  An apparent lone member of the group sneaks out at night to feed rats to the zombie hordes waiting outside the safety of the…

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401 – Survival Guide – “30 Days Without an Accident”

Hello fellow smart, saavy, survivors.  A.Ron here.  Due to the success of our recent Kickstarter project, we’ve brought back our old Survival Guide series.  We didn’t quite make the goal, but we had some left over from our previous-Kickstarter campaign, and what the hell.  Survival is important right?  So without further ado, let’s consider the…

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402 – “Infected”

Hello and welcome once again to our complete coverage of “The Walking Dead” episode 402, “Infected”.  This week, we play whodunnit with corpses alternately rodent and crispy, discuss the utility of farmer hats, lay odds on which of the tow-headed orphans will turn out to be the crazy one, Carol’s badass mama-bear/schoolmarm act, Michonne’s haunted…

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402 – “Infected” – Instant Take

Our instant cast for The Walking Dead episode 402, “Infected” is out.  Jim and A.Ron are encourage by the show’s newfound ability to build characters, but note the mechanics of the show’s plot can still be pretty creaky.  What did you think?  We’ll see you back here on Tuesday night to find out!

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401 – “30 Days Without an Accident”

Welcome back to “The Walking Dead” everybody!  This is our first full length, feature cast, and it’s bursting with new features, courtesy of our Kickstarter campaign.  We’ve got instant casts, skits, live video casting, all kinds of stuff, head over to our project page for the full details.  And hey!  You have about 24 hours…

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401i – “30 Days Without an Accident” – Instant Take

Jim and I recorded our first “instant take” podcast for season four of “The Walking Dead”, for episode 401 – “30 Days Without an Accident”.  While we have some quibbles here and there, we’re in agreement that this was a pretty darn good episode of The Walking Dead!  We get to slow down and have a…

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400 – Season Four Preview

Are you ready for a new season of The Walking Dead?!  Jim and I are!  We talk casting, what gives us the most hope for the new season, what scares us the most, discuss survival odds for our favorite cast members, break down the new season four webisodes, “The Oath”, talk about our Watching Dead…

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Watching Dead Season 4 Promo!

Hey everybody, welcome back!  Jim and I are dusting off the Watching Dead and prepping it for another season of sprinting, screaming, shooting, and stabbing.  We’re coming officially back next week on Tuesday, for our complete pre-season 4 coverage.  So if you want us to cover anything in particular, drop us a line using the…

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Justified Season 4

Justified’s season finale was so good we had to come out of mothballs to praise it.  Seriously, season four of Justified was incredibly satisfying, held it’s own against the iconic season two, and in my opinion, has moved into the same neighborhood as Mad Men and Breaking Bad.  So there’s that, and we solicit your opinion on what we should do with our TV show next!

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