Season Three

311 – Fallen World

Another spectacular episode of The Expanse this week in “Fallen World”. The episode is remarkably well paced, makes zero g environments feel truly alien and threatening, and offers solid character developments, particularly in the relationship between Ashford and Drummer. Anna even gets a moment to be awesome. Anna! Can’t wait for next week’s episode, we’ll see you then!

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310 – Dandelion Sky

SyFy’s The Expanse goes full on 2001: A Space Oddity on us, and we couldn’t love it more. “Dandelion Sky” covers a lot of territory even as it’s physically constrained to the inside of The Ring. “Miller’s” nature, the origins of the protomolecule, Holden embracing his role as reluctant hero, Amos having no fear, the struggle for the command of Behemoth. We discuss all this and much more. See you next week!

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309 – Intransigence

On this week’s episode of SyFy’s The Expanse, Naomi’s loyalties are divided as the Belter’s go all in on the Ring, Amos spaces the reporters (but it’s not as quite as bad as it sounds), Drummer gives the best motivational speech of her life, Melba reveals her pathos, and Holden makes a leap of faith. Looks like we won’t be getting screeners for The Expanse going forward, so look for us early Friday afternoons from here on out! See you next week!

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308 – It Reaches Out

SyFy’s Amazon’s The Expanse this week takes a turn for the surreal in the tense, amazing episode “It Reaches Out” that will have you desperate for the next one. The episode practically drips with mystery and meaning that we’ll eventually understand (What does the protomolecule want with Holden and the Rocinante, and why is it reaching out 113 times per second? Who stands to benefit from framing the OPA for the Seung Un atrocity? Are Melba and Cohen working together, and to what end?) but for now… you got to watch your doors and corners, kid.

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307 – Delta-V

SyFy’s The Expanse experiences some time dilation as we leap ahead and then try to catch up with what’s happened in the appropriately named “Delta-V”.  We discuss the leadership crisis looming aboard the Behemoth, the documentary crew’s agenda with the Roci, try to sleuth out the loyalties of a deadly new saboteur, and look for clues about the nature of Bobby and Alex’s long distance relationship.  All this, some #SaveTheExpanse talk, and feedback from your fellow fans!

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306 – Immolation

In the latest episode of SyFy’s The Expanse, “Immolation”, James and Naomi heal their rift, Bobby and Cotyar find a measure of redemption and peace with two very different outcomes, Fred Johnson takes another step forward as a major power broker in the system, and Prax finds out he’s not that guy… but that’s okay because Amos totally is.  We also talk about a part of the show that sucks hard core… which is the business part where SyFy wants to cancel the show despite it being the best sci-fi show in the 21st century!  #SaveTheExpanse!

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305 – Triple Point

This week’s episode of SyFy’s The Expanse, “Triple Point”, finds our crew preparing to storm Io and rescue Prax’s daughter by force, only to find a sizable portion of both Earth and Mars’ fleets converging upon them. The final 15 minutes of this episode might well be the most tense The Expanse has ever been. Meanwhile, Jules-Pierre Mao and Dr. Strickland make a break through, Alex gets another missive from home, Amos is really worried about what he and his fellow crew members’ hi-jinks are doing to poor Prax, Avasarala lies, and James and Naomi find common ground. Next week promises to be amazing, see you then!

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304 – Reload

“Reload”, the latest installment of SyFy’s The Expanse, is an accurate title for the episode, as the Rocinante gets creative in order to literally reload itself, while our favorite characters spend the episode positioning themselves for their next act, metaphorically reloading the show. Meanwhile, we ask the important questions; what is Red Kibble made of? Why did Amos show up late to the bullet party? And is The Expanse shipping Bobby and Alex?! All this plus lots of feedback including Reddit delivering on the promise of Martian blue grass!

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303 – Assured Destruction

The latest episode of SyFy’s The Expanse, “Assured Destruction” could be subtitled: “When Amos Meets Bobby”, because that happened, and it’s pretty awesome. After that, we have to content ourselves will small potato stuff like interplanetary nuclear brinksmanship, child experimentation, evil admirals, and the deaths of millions.  Snooze! Then things pick back up when Alex makes Naomi some love lasagna. We also got some interesting feedback from actual jet pilots and physicists among others to take us and The Expanse to some light task about our discussion of high G and Amos related physics. I don’t care what the scientists say, Amos can defy gravity.  See ya next week!

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302 – IFF

A.Ron and Jim can feel the g-forces as the latest episode of SyFy’s The Expanse continues to accelerate in “IFF”.  More awesome, clever space action sequences, some great character development with Prax, Bobby, and Chrisjen, and a deft introduction to a new character, Anna, combine to entertain and intrigue. Is Errinwright about to be at the end of his rope? Is Mao more of a softy than he initially let on? Will the combined crews of the Rocinante and Razorback be able to turn the tide of war?  Find out with us next week!

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