Season Three

307 – Expenses

“Expenses”, the latest installment of AMC’s Better Call Saul, is a workman-like connective episode that really develops the themes of this season while delivering superior performances. We discuss Mike’s motivations to help the Cobbler / Nacho, Jimmy getting way too in to his mock scam of some dick who’s particular about his martinis, Kim’s difficulty in dealing with her help in tearing down a sick man, before delving into the depths of our Scotch ignorance in the mailbag.

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307 – Expenses – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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306 – Certified

Jim and A.Ron talk about the latest episode of The Leftovers, “Certified”. A very dark, powerful episode that has us rethinking how much sunshine and good feelings the finale is going to allow us to have before everything is said and done. We discuss when Laurie decided on her final course of action, Nora’s beach ball metaphor, the inability of Kevin Sr. to properly judge whether he ends up saving the world, and our thoughts and expectations for the end now that we’re only 2 episodes away. Because happy ending or sad, we’re going to be forced to say goodbye to all these characters we’ve grown to love and care for, and I for one am not ready!

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305 – The House of Special Purpose

FX’s Fargo comes out swinging this week on “The House of Special Purpose”, delivering top notch black comedy and savage inhuman beatings with equal aplomb. Seriously, somebody should get an Emmy nom just for the phrase “fornicating with the cookware!” We try to figure out exactly how powerful Varga is, speculate on the Storage Queen’s prospects as an escape hatch for the Stussey crew, start to get suspicious of “New Chief” Dammick, and consider some of our listener feedback in a packed podcast episode.

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306 – Off Brand

Jim and A.Ron found a lot to like in the latest Better Call Saul, “Off Brand”. The sense of something new, new characters, new directions, old scotch paired with new beginnings. Just a whiff of that “new car smell” coming off the show this week. Plus, we can’t overstate how much fun it is to see Jimmy/Saul in his new role as crappy local TV commercial director guy.

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306 – Off Brand – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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305 – It’s a Matt Matt Matt Matt World

HBO’s The Leftovers had a Matt Jamison episode in “It’s a Matt Matt Matt Matt World”, which means it was heavily thematic, absurd, inspiring, infuriating, and more than anything, Biblical in it’s intensity. Adding John, Michael, and Laurie, and a bunch of hedonists who’ve formed a cult around a 91 year old lion just makes it so much more so. We discuss Matt’s shifting relationship with his faith, a surprising amount on the human penis, and attempt to talk a few Leftovers fans off their emotional ledges.

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305 – It’s a Matt Matt Matt Matt World – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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304 – The Narrow Escape Problem

There is a whole lot to ponder in “The Narrow Escape Problem”, the latest episode of FX’s Fargo. Communist propaganda, meditations on the 1%, Joseph Stalin, bulimia, Ewan McGreggor playing a different Ewan McGreggor playing yet another Ewan McGreggor; an Ewan McCeption, if you will, biblical themes, our heads are just spinning. And Gloria with new found gal pal Winnie seem on pace to have this whole thing solved by the next episode. Which probably means the floor’s about to fall out!

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305 – Chicanery

Jim and A.Ron are highly impressed at the high stakes quasi-legal and totally legit familial drama on hand with the latest episode of AMC’s Better Call Saul, “Chicanery”. A masterclass in acting and dialog, Jimmy has to go three levels deep in scamming to fool Chuck, but he manages to do so, with devastating results. But how does Jimmy skate given his crimes? Will this end the blood feud between the brothers? Will Chuck go darker? Will Kim get caught in the cross fire? We discuss all this, plus feedback, and a rather excited spoiler section geeking out over next week’s episode.

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