Season Three

301 – “Seed”

The Walking Dead is back with a vengeance and so are we!  Jim and A.Ron barrel through the premier episode of season three, “Seed”, like a pumped up T-Dog with a riot shield.  Join us as we discuss wordless intros, innovative use of carabiners, homemade silencers, zombie babies, a Grimes centipede (yeah, you heard me),…

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Walking Dead Season Three Preview

Jim and A.Ron are back in action, shambling for some more Walking Dead!  Join us as we break down insights we’ve gleaned from the Comic Con trailer, consider some listener feedback, and then discuss how the comic series will influence the show in our spoiler section.  Next week we’ll be back with complete coverage of…

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313 – “Slaughterhouse”

The season three finale of Justified, “Slaughterhouse”! Some of you thought it was brilliant, some of you liked it, some of you were disappointed, but it happened, and now we need to talk about it, and where it leaves us for seasons to come. We talk about our reactions, the recap, what Yost says is coming down the pike, and lots of your feedback. Hopefully we’ll have one more retrospective with a special guest, but if not, see you next season!

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309 – “Loose Ends”

With A.Ron on vacation, I’m joined by Mad Brew to discuss this week’s episode of Justified.

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308 – “Watching the Detectives”

Who’s in more trouble? Raylan, Boyd, or Quarles? We break down this and more in this week’s episode covering another awesome hour of Justified. Join Jim and A.Ron as they discuss Limehouse making power plays, Raylan’s legal trouble, Quarles’ being tempted by the Beast within, Raylan putting on a clinic for how not to handle the police, and ask; does Wynn’s carpet match the drapes?!

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307 – “The Man Behind The Curtain”

Things on Justified are heating up faster than a hand soaked in lye and hit with a steam jet! Join Jim and A.Ron for a discussion of problems in the round barn, the importance of keeping drugs away from schools, the suddenly complicated political situation in Harlan’s Sheriff elections, Raylan’s new digs, Tim not being impressed with Raylan’s “mad ninja skills”, Quarles wheeling and dealing, and the dramatic return of Gary! We cap it off with a brief spoiler section in which we consider the preview for next week’s episode in order to glean any insights that may be had and some info about casting news.

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Interview with Justified Writer/Producer Taylor Elmore

Thanks to listener Ed K, we were put in touch with Writer/Producer for FX’s Justified, Taylor Elmore. Mr. Elmore was kind enough to give us about an hour of his time for a wide ranging interview that touches on his history with the show, the process for creating Justified, his thoughts and opinions on the plot, writing, and production of the show, and a few tidbits about up coming plot points for the second half of season three!

Special thanks goes out to our listeners who contributed some of the questions; Sandy, Michael G, Lucas, Daniel M, and redditors TheGreatNinjaYuffie, sniffles_snort, and notonekind. It was fun, we’ll have to do it again, sometime, maybe as a season three wrap up?

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