Season Two

Why is Mr. Feeny a Car?! – S02E11 – Knight Rider (1982) – S01E01&E02 – Goliath

It’s time to pull back into the back of the semi-truck and put FEENY into hiatus until it’s time for our next shadowy flight through the action TV of yesteryear. Before we go, we recap an all-time classic Knight Rider episode, the feature length season 2 premiere, “Goliath”. It’s got everything. The evil Garthe Knight, African warlords, conniving widows, menacing science montages, and Michael and KITT getting legitimately jacked up in a scene that traumatized me as a youth. Can a millennial ever hope to understand the love between a Gen-X boy and his increasingly magical Trans-Am? Find out on this very special season finale of MR. FEENY!

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Yellowjackets – S02E07 – Burial

The Yellowjackets reunite at Lottie’s Wellness Retreat Center, but there’s no wellness to be found. As each woman goes about her “therapy” in the present, the show takes us back to the 90s to show us why they need therapy. Misty is a lovesick murderer. Shauna has had enough of Lottie. And everyone gets suspicious about Crystal’s disappearance.

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Yellowjackets – S02E06 – Qui – Feedback

Is all the misfortune a direct result of the girls unknowingly dumping their waste on a sacred site? Is there a thermal vent in the forest that makes a natural crock pot? Why does it seem like there’s a source of energy coming out of the ground? As some theories get scratched off of the list, A.Ron presents a new one. It’s called “The Human Turducken”, and you should listen to find out what he’s talking about.

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Why is Mr. Feeny a Car?! – S02E10 – The Greatest American Hero (1981) – S03E10 – Wizards and Warlocks

We left it up to listeners to guide us to the most improved THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO episode ever, and what can I say? They rolled a natural 20 and crushed the skill check. The show writers had a lot of thoughts on Dungeons and Dragons, Satanic Panics, the Youth and Their Vidya Games. A lot of hilariously wrong thoughts, but in the best, most entertaining way possible. Grab your giant sand dial, don your best fez, and be sure to draw your destiny card because it’s time to enter the dark, sinister, literally underground world of Wizards and Warlocks!

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Yellowjackets – S02E06 – Qui

In the wilderness, Shauna’s baby woes ended in the simplest way, but it’s sure to cause a schism between Lottie’s followers and the non-believers. In the present, the team is back together at Lottie’s cult (ahem) wellness center. Did the mysterious darkness bring them together? Or has it been inside of them all along? And what weirdness does Matt have going on downstairs?

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Why is Mr. Feeny a Car?! – S02E09 – Airwolf (1984) – S01E11 – Mind of the Machine

IMDB really picked a gem of an AIRWOLF episode for us this week! David Carridine? A sorta/quasi showdown with an evil Airwolf? A fiery redhead last seen doing cow math on Knight Rider? Some nice character work between Dom and String? This episode has it all, along with some terrific helicopter action sequences and pulse pounding synth holding it all together. Pure nostalgic bliss!

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Yellowjackets – S02E05 – Two Truths and a Lie – Feedback

Did your theories get downvoted on Reddit? Well, bring them here! Was Travis about to join the Purple People cult? Can Yellowjackets be deciphered with a basic knowledge of Jungian archetypes? Who is the ‘friend’ Javi refers to? Check out this deep dive into Yellowjackets theory crafting.

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Yellowjackets – S02E05 – Two Truths and a Lie

Randy gets dragged back into the mess. Callie lies to the cops. And Lottie mines Nat’s mind for the answer to Travis’ note. Back in the woods, Javi isn’t speaking (annoying) and Lottie’s influence on the group grows. It’s hard to tell if the rituals have an actual effect. And the burning question, what will happen to this wilderness baby?

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Yellowjackets – S02E04 – Old Wounds – Feedback

In this episode of feedback, you’ll get a deeper look into character motives, a possible meaning of the symbol, a guess as to where Javi has been, and more! Can all the strange things in the wilderness be a coincidence? What was the fate of the baby? And can we trust the producers? No, obviously not.

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Why is Mr. Feeny a Car?! – S02E07 – MacGyver (1985) – S03E08 – The Widowmaker

On the second half of this season of Mr. Feeny, we’re checking out the BEST episodes of the series we’ve already seen, and this week we take a second look at MACGYVER’s “The Widowmaker”, and give Jim his second crack at MR. FEENY this season! This is the episode that cements Murdock as an arch-nemesis for Mac, and we love that for him. But we’re not sure there’s enough “MacGyvering” to be had in what’s supposed to be the top episode, and we, like his close friends, missed MacGyver’s smile. Of course when I say we, I meant the gen-xers on the podcast, because our resident millennial loved the darker, more somber take. 

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