Some Guy

804 – Some Guy

A.Ron and Jim praise and rip this episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead, “Some Guy”.  We dug a lot of the high concept medieval horror going on, and if nothing else, Ezekiel is a particularly interesting personality to mine pathos out of in this worn out zombie apocalypse we’re stuck in.  AND YET WE SMILE!  Because those car chases were right out of 80’s action / comedy, Carol was kicking Savior butt and taking names, until the tragic and outrageous death of a beloved character.  Then, feedback!  See you next week…

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804 – Some Guy – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see…  Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else. [groups_member group=”Members”] [/groups_member] [groups_non_member group=”Members”] Hey there!  If you were a Bald Move Club member, you’d see a video embedded in this…

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804 – Some Guy – LIVEWATCH

Come watch the episode with us.  If it’s bad, we’ll make fun of it.  If it’s good…  well, we’ll still make fun of it, just a little less seriously.

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