State of the Empire

Empire Business – State of the Empire 2022

Find out what has happened at Bald Move in 2021 and where we’re going in 2022.

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Empire Business – State of the Empire

Jim and A.Ron update the club on the current state of the empire, earlier in the year than usual.  It’s not all good news, but in the interest of transparency, we are being honest with our club members.

We hope you enjoy it.  If you have feedback, comments, or questions, join the forum thread at

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Empire Business – State of the Empire 2019

We’re started a feature designed to give you a more transparent look into the day to day decisions and inner workings of the Bald Move empire, exclusively for our club members.  In honor of one of the all-time great series and the one that gave us our start, we’re calling it Empire Business.  It isn’t meant to be a regular weekly feature, it’s more of a “whenever we have something interesting to talk about and remember to turn the mics on” kind of thing.  We hope you enjoy it.

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Empire Business – State of the Empire 2018

It’s that time of the year again, the time just before our tax deadline where we open all the books (mostly because our accountant demands it). Join us for an in-depth look at the past, present, and future of the Bald Move as it stands in 2018.

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State of the Empire – Fall 2017

Welcome to our latest effort to give Bald Move Club Members a transparent look into the day to day decisions and inner workings of the Bald Move empire.  Today, we take a long awaited look into our 2017 financial situation.  We discuss the impact the “Save Bald Move” campaign had (spoiler: it saved Bald Move), the immense amount of Game of Thrones traffic we got in July and the attending performance of the GoT club membership sale, the advertising bonanza we had, how we make projections, and how things are looking for 2018.  For you nervous nellies out there, relax, the news is all good!  Finally, we discuss plans for the future.  And give thanks, because without you, we wouldn’t be here today.  THANK YOU!

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