Steve Ausburne

Season One Wrap

Steve and Anthony wrap up season four and reply to listener feedback.

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Electric Bookaloo: Daenerys VI

Arthur Njamfa discusses Dany’s designs on conquest. Steve and Anthony argue over Hold-the-Door time travel. Then medievalist Carol Jamison talks about Hodor’s place in the story.

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Electric Bookaloo: Bran VI

Medievalist Carol Parrish Jamison discusses the duality of Bran Stark and the use of warhorses in the Middle Ages. Then Steve and Anthony discuss Ramsay’s talent for letter writing.

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Chapter Eight

Steve and Anthony cover the season one finale with discussions of mix tapes, Star Wars, and Alien. [groups_non_member group=”Members”] Hey there!  Check out to find out how you can gain access to ALL of our premium content, as well as ad-free versions of the podcasts, for just $5 a month! Join the Club! [/groups_non_member]…

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Chapter Seven

Steve and Anthony talk about one of the funniest episodes of the first season. They also discuss Eleven’s Matrix-style self-projection and Hopper’s action-hero career. [groups_non_member group=”Members”] Hey there!  Check out to find out how you can gain access to ALL of our premium content, as well as ad-free versions of the podcasts, for just…

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Electric Bookaloo: Sansa IV

Medievalist Danielle Alesi talks about Sansa’s budding political ambition. Steve talks about the resurrection of Jon Snow. Then Anthony reveals a bit of House of the Dragon gossip (no spoilers).

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Chapter Six

Steve and Anthony delve deeply into an amazing showcase for Dustin and Lucas. They talk about Steve Harrington’s heel turn and the temptations attached to Eggo waffles. Then they discuss the backdrop of John Hughes and Sixteen Candles.

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Electric Bookaloo: Arya IV

Medievalist Mikayla Hunter covers Arya’s farewell to Syrio Forel and discusses her relationship to sight and disguise. Steve talks about Melisandre’s disguise. Professor Brian Pavlac explains 400 years of witch hunts.

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Chapter Five

In addition to discussing the nexus of plots that is Chapter Five, Steve and Anthony talk about homages of Breakfast Club, Evil Dead, LOTR, and E.T.

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Chapter Four

Steve and Anthony cover “The Body” and puzzle over the Hawkins Labs “Build-a-Will” department. Then they revisit an old Stephen King favorite: Stand By Me (1986)

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