
409 – Survival Guide – “After”

Hello there, fellow survivors!  How did our group manage in this week’s episode of The Walking Dead, episode 409, “After”?  Let’s get started… Scenario: You’ve recently survived an all out attack on your shelter.  You’re surrounded by zombies and split off from your group. What the survivors did:  Remove the lower jaw and arms of…

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408 – Survival Guide – “Too Far Gone”

Scenario: Your prison complex is threatened by several well armed, determined attackers, backed with a TANK. What the survivors did: Rounded up the non-combatants into a bus to move off site.  Carl, Daryl, and to a lesser extent Tyreese, Bob, and Sasha effectively use suppressive fire to allow the prison population to evacuate.  Maggie and…

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407 – Survival Guide – “Dead Weight”

I’m sorry in advance if I going a little easy on this week’s episode.  Every time I tried to get the bile flowing, it got choked off with general holiday good cheer.  You try to get in a nasty, cross-grained bastard frame of mind when you’re smelling fresh oven roasted turkey and candied yams! Scenario:…

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Survival Guide – 406 – “Live Bait”

This week’s survival guide for The Walking Dead episode 406, “Live Bait”, features the long awaited return of the Governor.  Wait, I’m not sure anyone was actually really waiting for that, but, it was good to see him start to bring an end to the prison arc, planning Rick’s destr– what was that?  He just…

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405 – Survival Guide – “Internment”

This week was really hard to write, to be honest. It’s not just because the episode was very good, in my mind it was the best of the season so far. And it wasn’t because of a general lack of material, hell no. There were head scratchers abounding! But it was rarely a clear cut…

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Survival Guide – 404 – “Indifference”

Hey everyone, sorry this is late.  I actually lost a complete copy of this article in draft mode when Jim and I were optimizing the server last night, so I had to re-write from scratch.  Since we’re behind, let’s jump right in to see how our group did surviving episode 404, “Indifference!” Scenario:  On a…

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403 – Survival Guide – “Isolation”

Welcome back fellow survivors! This week we’ll be checking in on Rick and the gang to see how they did in this week’s episode, “Isolation”. Scenario: Rick beats Tyreese to a pulp. What the survivors did: Let the two men have it out, then break it up after a reasonable amount of time. What the…

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402 – Survival Guide – “Infected”

Welcome back, fellow survivors!  It’s time to hand out report cards for how Rick and the gang did on this week’s episode of AMC’s “The Walking Dead”, 403 “Infected”. The scenario:  An apparent lone member of the group sneaks out at night to feed rats to the zombie hordes waiting outside the safety of the…

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401 – Survival Guide – “30 Days Without an Accident”

Hello fellow smart, saavy, survivors.  A.Ron here.  Due to the success of our recent Kickstarter project, we’ve brought back our old Survival Guide series.  We didn’t quite make the goal, but we had some left over from our previous-Kickstarter campaign, and what the hell.  Survival is important right?  So without further ado, let’s consider the…

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Walking Dead SURVIVAL Review for 205 “Chupacabra”

Hello fellow survivors!  It’s time for your weekly review of the survival techniques of our favorite zombie-themed drama on AMC, The Walking Dead! Scenario 1: Dale finds out that Glenn boned Maggie. What the survivors did:  Dale shamed and scolded Glenn for having the temerity to have about 45 seconds of one-sided pleasure.  What was he…

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