
Walking Dead SURVIVAL Review for 204 “Cherokee Rose”

Hello fellow survivors!  It’s time for your weekly review of the survival techniques of our favorite zombie-themed drama on AMC, The Walking Dead!  Let’s dig right in… Scenario 1: Mourning for the tragic murder loss of Otis, the survivors attempt to find meaning in the death of their sweaty, overalls-wearing friend. What the survivors did:…

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Walking Dead SURVIVAL Review for 203 “Save The Last One”

Hello, fellow surviors!  Here is this week’s survival review.  What’s good for the goose is good for the muhfukin’ gander, and thus we arrive at… Scenario 1:  Co-host of Watching Dead mucks up sound check, records entire podcast from his MacBook’s external speaker, bypassing approximate $500 worth of audio gear in the process, making the…

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Walking Dead Survival Review for 202 “Bloodletting”

Hello, fellow surviors!  Here is this week’s belated survival review. Scenario 1:  Co-host of the Watching Dead promises weekly column on Friday, doesn’t deliver until Monday morning. What Jim did:  Said, “That’s okay, just get it out whenever.” What Jim should have done: Punched A.Ron in the dick and screamed “NEXT TIME IT’S GOING TO…

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A.Ron’s Walking Dead Survival Review for 201 “What Lies Ahead”

Hey there!  This is the first in a series of posts that will take a light hearted look at how our intrepid band of survivors deals with their problems in a USA overrun by zombies, as opposed to how they should have dealt with them. Scenario 1:  Lori complains about the morality of  looting a…

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