The Hour and the Day

304 – The Hour and the Day

Jim and A.Ron break down all the decade spanning clues of HBO’s True Detective’s latest episode, “The Hour and the Day”. Who done it? The priest? The one eyed man? The cousin? The pumpkin lady? We sift through the evidence and theories and opine about the excellent character work this episode, as we get ready for what promises to be some hellacious action going down at the Woodward residence!

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304 – The Hour and the Day – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see…  Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else. [groups_member group=”Members”] [/groups_member] [groups_non_member group=”Members”] Hey there!  If you were a Bald Move Club member, you’d see a video embedded in this…

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