The Red Woman

601 – The Red Woman – SpoiLore Edition

Jim and A.Ron consider some book-based speculation and theories from the latest episode of Game of Thrones! If you’re a show-only watcher who doesn’t want any spoilers, it’s best to just skip this one. Need to catch up? Here’s a Tinfoil SpoiLore archive of previous podcasts by topic. Each link has a time code listed so you can jump right to the tinfoil topic of the week for your convenience and listening pleasure.

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601 – The Red Woman

The first episode of season six of HBO’s “Game of Thrones”, entitled “The Red Woman”, seems to be a real controversy with the fans. Disappearing dogs, dead-end Dorne, and shifty Sand Snakes, among other things, caused the flipping of thousands of tables across the globe. What did we think? Brace yourself, contrarian opinion is coming; we’re mostly okay with how things went down. Who has time to worry about dogs when Brienne is pledging half of Ned Starks sword to his daughter Sansa’s service? Or Ghost is howling at Castle Black? Or while we’re witnessing the craziest disrobing scene in GoT history?

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601 – The Red Woman – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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601 – The Red Woman – Instant Take

Lots of stuff to discuss in the season six premiere of Game of Thrones, “The Red Woman”, and we try to touch on as much as we can to tide you over until our full coverage podcast out Tuesday. White hair, Dornish devastation, and Northern intrigue are the hot topics, but what did you think? Use the links below to get in touch!

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601 – The Red Woman – Instant Take – LIVE RECORDING

Watch us record the podcast, including all the sound checks, flubs, and riveting research breaks that you’ve always wished you could see… Hey, at least you can hear the podcast before anyone else.

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