The Walking Dead

408 – “Too Far Gone” – Instant Take

After the last two week’s distraction from what was going down at the prison, we return in triumphant fashion with the highly entertaining hour of television that was The Walking Dead mid-season four finale, “Too Far Gone”.  And by “triumphant” I mean “a total defeat for everyone concerned,” except for us, the viewer.  Seriously, Daryl…

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407 – Survival Guide – “Dead Weight”

I’m sorry in advance if I going a little easy on this week’s episode.  Every time I tried to get the bile flowing, it got choked off with general holiday good cheer.  You try to get in a nasty, cross-grained bastard frame of mind when you’re smelling fresh oven roasted turkey and candied yams! Scenario:…

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407 – “Dead Weight”

If you’re a true-blue Walking Dead fan and loved this episode and couldn’t get enough of the Governor or his storyline, this might not be the cast for you. A.Ron straight up hates it, and Jim likes it but only if he grants that the entire two episode arc is an unnecessary distraction from what’s…

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407 – “Dead Weight” – Instant Take

Not a lot of love from Jim or A.Ron this episode, and some pent up anger over last week’s episode now that we’ve seen Gimple’s plan for the Governor’s character unfold.  Feels like a lot of wasted opportunity over the last two weeks, especially with how much we were all invested into resolving the Carol…

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Survival Guide – 406 – “Live Bait”

This week’s survival guide for The Walking Dead episode 406, “Live Bait”, features the long awaited return of the Governor.  Wait, I’m not sure anyone was actually really waiting for that, but, it was good to see him start to bring an end to the prison arc, planning Rick’s destr– what was that?  He just…

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406 – “Live Bait”

I can’t remember an episode of television this polarizing that we’ve covered, but that’s what you get with The Walking Dead episode 406, “Live Bait.”  People loved it, people hated it, people were extremely confused by it.  What did we think?  Listen and find out, as we discuss the Window of Broken Dreams, the horrors…

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406 – “Live Bait” – Instant Take

Episode 406, “Live Bait” of The Walking Dead turns out to be very polarizing.  People seemed to either love it or hate it.  What was Jim and A.Ron’s initial reaction?  Listen and find out, you might be surprised…

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405 – Survival Guide – “Internment”

This week was really hard to write, to be honest. It’s not just because the episode was very good, in my mind it was the best of the season so far. And it wasn’t because of a general lack of material, hell no. There were head scratchers abounding! But it was rarely a clear cut…

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405 – “Internment”

What a reversal of fortunes, a week after I almost wanted to write off the rest of the season, Gimple and company come roaring back with what is in this podcaster’s opinion, the best Walking Dead episode of the season so far.  What did we like?  What worked?  What didn’t work?  Find out as we…

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405 – “Internment” – Instant Take

Jim and A.Ron review a powerhouse, although still problematic around the edges, episode of The Walking Dead, “Internment”.  Find out our off the cuff observations and thoughts about Hershel’s heroics, the Grimes and Son wrecking crew, Carolgate fallout, and the return of a rather polarizing character. As always, if you like what we do, give…

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