The Walking Dead

Walking Dead Review – 207 – “Pretty Much Dead Already”

An unequivocably excellent episode to cap the mid-season off.  Now, of course the same things that drive me crazy about certain characters are still driving me crazy, but this episode went and took those “bugs” and made them “features”, to use programming parlance. What I mean by that is that negative character traits, which up…

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206 – “Secrets”

Welcome to this week’s episode of Watching Dead!  Some say this was the best episode of the season, and some say one of the worst.  What do Jim and A.Ron think?  It might surprise you. We talk about chicken legs, advanced shooting classes, farmer’s ultimatums, the ridiculous, irresponsible way the “morning after” pills were depicted on…

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Walking Dead Review – 206 – “Secrets”

Well, this is the episode where this ridiculous show roped me into another season of watching.  Unless they drop the ball really badly, like, say, crash two 737’s into each other over Herschel’s farm, I’m in. There was a lot of silly stuff, to be sure, and I think we should have been at this…

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Walking Dead SURVIVAL Review for 205 “Chupacabra”

Hello fellow survivors!  It’s time for your weekly review of the survival techniques of our favorite zombie-themed drama on AMC, The Walking Dead! Scenario 1: Dale finds out that Glenn boned Maggie. What the survivors did:  Dale shamed and scolded Glenn for having the temerity to have about 45 seconds of one-sided pleasure.  What was he…

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205 – “Chupacabra”

Welcome to this week’s episode of Watching Darryl Dead!  The show picks itself off, and dusts itself off after falling into a well last week, only to derail the otherwise decent episode with an ill advised headshot!  Rage along with Jim and A.Ron as we vent along with the listeners about the near tragic stupidity…

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Walking Dead Review – “Chupacabra” – 205

Tonight’s episode was pretty good, and then it made me as angry as I’ve ever been at a TV show.  A hate formed inside me for a character so white hot, that I couldn’t think rationally.  I blacked out for the entire ensuing commercial break. I’m sure you know at what point and at what…

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Walking Dead SURVIVAL Review for 204 “Cherokee Rose”

Hello fellow survivors!  It’s time for your weekly review of the survival techniques of our favorite zombie-themed drama on AMC, The Walking Dead!  Let’s dig right in… Scenario 1: Mourning for the tragic murder loss of Otis, the survivors attempt to find meaning in the death of their sweaty, overalls-wearing friend. What the survivors did:…

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204 – “Cherokee Rose”

Hey everybody! We had a nice run of two good episodes, so it was about time for a stinker.  Not historically bad, by TWD standards, but about as putrid as the zombie in that well.  I’m traveling this week, but was able to join the cast through the miracles of modern communication, as Jim and…

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Walking Dead Review – “Cherokee Rose” – 204

Sorry for the delay, folks.  I’m traveling on business, and it did not occur to me that the hotel I was at would not have AMC.  So I had to wait for the episode to be released digitally with all the other schmucks on iTunes.  This will not impact our release of the cast tomorrow,…

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Walking Dead SURVIVAL Review for 203 “Save The Last One”

Hello, fellow surviors!  Here is this week’s survival review.  What’s good for the goose is good for the muhfukin’ gander, and thus we arrive at… Scenario 1:  Co-host of Watching Dead mucks up sound check, records entire podcast from his MacBook’s external speaker, bypassing approximate $500 worth of audio gear in the process, making the…

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