The Walking Dead

203 – “Save The Last One”

First off, apologies for the substandard audio quality.  We messed up our audio checks and ended up recording on the mac’s internal mic and not our soundboard.  It’s still listenable, but we’ll try to do better going forward. This week, we talk about backlash backlashes, how scary The Walking Dead really is, Shane’s face-heel turn,…

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Walking Dead Survival Review for 202 “Bloodletting”

Hello, fellow surviors!  Here is this week’s belated survival review. Scenario 1:  Co-host of the Watching Dead promises weekly column on Friday, doesn’t deliver until Monday morning. What Jim did:  Said, “That’s okay, just get it out whenever.” What Jim should have done: Punched A.Ron in the dick and screamed “NEXT TIME IT’S GOING TO…

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A.Ron’s Walking Dead Review – “Save The Last One” – 203

First off, I decided to re-watch episodes 101-103 this weekend.  Maybe having these recently in memory gave me new insights into the characters; but I’m really digging what they’re doing with Shane. AMC’s gimmick seems to be “head shave” = “bad guy”, but I wonder about Shane.  Did he do what he did because he…

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202 – “Bloodletting”

If you hated our negativity on the first  cast but stuck with us, good news!  We liked the second episode much, much better.  I’d say that is because objectively this episode was much, much better, but hey, that’s me. We could really use your support on  iTunes!  If you like what we’re doing, please give us…

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Why The Walking Dead Hasn’t Appeased the Zombie Fanboys

My love of zombies has always been based on the logistics of surviving an apocalypse. I love to discuss it with my friends, figure out the best weapons, vehicles, terrain and general strategies for defeating the inevitable zombie invasion. I know I’m not alone in doing that. Zombie fanatics all over the world debate every…

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A.Ron’s Instant Walking Dead Review – 202 – “Bloodletting”

Now that’s The Walking Dead I know and love, NOT The Walking Dead that is annoying and I have a love/hate relationship with.  If you want to know why Jim and I were so hard on the show last week, it’s because we know it is capable of generating this level of drama and tension,…

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A.Ron’s Walking Dead Survival Review for 201 “What Lies Ahead”

Hey there!  This is the first in a series of posts that will take a light hearted look at how our intrepid band of survivors deals with their problems in a USA overrun by zombies, as opposed to how they should have dealt with them. Scenario 1:  Lori complains about the morality of  looting a…

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201 – “What Lies Ahead”

Welcome to the first episode of The Watching Dead, the officially unofficial fan podcast of AMC’s The Walking Dead.  I’ll be up front, if you’re a big fan of the show, buckle up, because we’re fairly critical of what we feel is a very uneven episode.  There is a lot to like, but a lot…

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