The Watching Dead

403 – Survival Guide – “Isolation”

Welcome back fellow survivors! This week we’ll be checking in on Rick and the gang to see how they did in this week’s episode, “Isolation”. Scenario: Rick beats Tyreese to a pulp. What the survivors did: Let the two men have it out, then break it up after a reasonable amount of time. What the…

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A.Ron’s Walking Dead Survival Review for 201 “What Lies Ahead”

Hey there!  This is the first in a series of posts that will take a light hearted look at how our intrepid band of survivors deals with their problems in a USA overrun by zombies, as opposed to how they should have dealt with them. Scenario 1:  Lori complains about the morality of  looting a…

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201 – “What Lies Ahead”

Welcome to the first episode of The Watching Dead, the officially unofficial fan podcast of AMC’s The Walking Dead.  I’ll be up front, if you’re a big fan of the show, buckle up, because we’re fairly critical of what we feel is a very uneven episode.  There is a lot to like, but a lot…

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