The Young Pope

The Young Pope – Episodes 7 & 8

A.Ron, Jim, and Cecily have a round table discussion of the latest two episodes of HBO’s The Young Pope. Shocking events happen, some involving people, some involving giant marsupials. But they are shocking. Plus, people try to fool the Pope, but he ain’t having it, is killing someone as a result of fervent prayer a miracle or black magic, Voiello and Sister Mary maybe in need of a private confessional, and of course, as always, just what the heckfire is this show actually about, anyway?

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The Young Pope – Episodes 5 & 6

When we began this podcast, we expected to have a lot of fun laughing at the crazy outfits and Jude Law strutting around chewing scenery left and right. And we were right about that, that is pretty funny and a delight to look at. But these last few episodes have revealed a show with much more substance than we were initially led to believe with the premise. What sort of revolution is the Young Pope wanting to lead? Can the Pope continue to cow heretics and Prime Ministers alike with threats of no win situations and divine retribution? Is Jude Law’s butt proof of the existence of God?

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The Young Pope – Episode 4

Jim, A.Ron and Cecily are back with another papal powerhouse podcast, talking about the very strange and yet strangely entertaining fourth episode of HBO’s The Young Pope. The Pope deals with the three stages of life; conception, birth, and death, in a decidely Young Popeish kind of way; intense prayer, disdain, and screaming at nuns. Sorry about the tardiness of our coverage this week, our plan going forward is to cover both Sunday and Monday episodes in a single Bald Move TV podcast on Tuesday. See you then!

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The Young Pope – Episode 3

Jim, A.Ron and Cecily talk about the perplexing third episode of HBO’s The Young Pope. Does anyone around here believe in God? Does anyone not? Is God real? How heavy is his weight? Is the kangaroo God? Your guess is as good as ours, and thankfully the show is gorgeous and intriguing enough to keep us watching even when we have no idea what’s going on.

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The Young Pope – Episode 2

Two episodes in two nights, that’s the kind of papal performance you expect from a young, virile Pope. A pope with power! A.Ron has cooled a bit on the second episode, but Cecily and Jim are still picking up what The Young Pope is laying down. Will Lenny end up alienating every practicing Catholic on earth? Will the kangaroo ever have a speaking role? And how many pontiff puns can we produce, anyway? Stay tuned and find out!

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The Young Pope – Episode 1

Jim, A.Ron, and Cecily get together to discuss their excitement about the new HBO show, The Young Pope. It managed to surpass our already bonkers expectations we had for over the top ridiculousness, as well as surprise us with it’s heights of cinematography and storytelling. Be on the lookout for more Young Pope, and more Bald Move TV on this feed in 2017!

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