Walter White

Mad Brew’s Requirements

Bald Move listeners are voracious consumers of entertainment commentary. You people just can’t get enough. We’re always getting requests to cover shows, both current and out of production and we feel honored that you would like to have us spew our brand of bullshit about your favorite shows into your ear holes. A.Ron and Jim…

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Walter White to die before end of Breaking Bad?

[WARNING: While the following article is mostly speculation, it may include spoilers.  Anyone who does not want their thoughts about Breaking Bad provoked should NOT read this article!] Will Harris posted an interview with Bryan Cranston today for the Onion’s A.V. Club.  It covers a scope of topics ranging from Bryan Cranston’s other upcoming work…

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Interesting Breaking Bad Websites

Just a few moments ago, AMC tweeted about their Better Call Saul website. It’s what Saul’s website no doubt looks like in the Breaking Bad universe complete with testimonials from some of the more notable offenders on the show, a phone number to call and other features. That got me looking around for some interesting…

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