Watching Dead

Survival Guide – 404 – “Indifference”

Hey everyone, sorry this is late.  I actually lost a complete copy of this article in draft mode when Jim and I were optimizing the server last night, so I had to re-write from scratch.  Since we’re behind, let’s jump right in to see how our group did surviving episode 404, “Indifference!” Scenario:  On a…

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The Making of a Skit

Ever wondered how we produce the skits that you hear on the beginning of our podcasts? Well, now you can get a front row seat. This is the first in a series of behind-the-scenes skit videos that we’ll be making for you. The first one is a bit rough and there’s a lot of the…

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Rick Grimes confronts his imposter!

So, some background. Saturday morning, we did a podcasting panel with Jason and Karen of The Walking Dead ‘Cast, Chris and Jason of The Talking Dead, and of course, Eric and James from The Walker Stalkers cast, who were our hosts. Immediately after the panel, James gets this gleam in his eye and said, “Hey,…

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402 – Survival Guide – “Infected”

Welcome back, fellow survivors!  It’s time to hand out report cards for how Rick and the gang did on this week’s episode of AMC’s “The Walking Dead”, 403 “Infected”. The scenario:  An apparent lone member of the group sneaks out at night to feed rats to the zombie hordes waiting outside the safety of the…

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401 – Survival Guide – “30 Days Without an Accident”

Hello fellow smart, saavy, survivors.  A.Ron here.  Due to the success of our recent Kickstarter project, we’ve brought back our old Survival Guide series.  We didn’t quite make the goal, but we had some left over from our previous-Kickstarter campaign, and what the hell.  Survival is important right?  So without further ado, let’s consider the…

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Interview with TWD Writer, Sang Kyu Kim!

As mentioned on the latest podcast, Jason from the graciously invited me to co-host on his podcast during an interview with Sang Kyu Kim, the writer of The Walking Dead episode 304, “The Killer Within”.   Jason is a really cool dude, and his Walking Dead ‘Cast is the number one TWD podcast on…

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Walking Dead Review – 207 – “Pretty Much Dead Already”

An unequivocably excellent episode to cap the mid-season off.  Now, of course the same things that drive me crazy about certain characters are still driving me crazy, but this episode went and took those “bugs” and made them “features”, to use programming parlance. What I mean by that is that negative character traits, which up…

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