Wrap Up

True Detective Season One Wrap Up

By popular demand, Jim and A.Ron talk about their thoughts on season one of HBO’s True Detective.  We talk yellow kings, perverted Barbie poses, get philosophical about nihilism, and where we see Rust and Marty going after the credits roll.  We also talk about season two, and our plans for True Detective going forward.

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Mid-Season 4.0 Wrap Up

It was the best of seasons (Internment), it was the worst of seasons (Dead Weight), but while it ended on a very bleak note for our survivors, it nevertheless was a positive and hopeful way to end things from a storytelling and general quality standpoint. Jim and A.Ron are willing to give the Gimple a…

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Breaking Bad Series Wrap Up – Part 2

And now, for real. This is the end. The last Bald Move podcast for the finale season of “Breaking Bad”. And fittingly, it’s mostly about you, the listener. Your predictions. Your final thoughts and feedback. Your fan-made projects and labors of love. Other than a brief diversion to talk about Jeffery Katzenburg’s ludicrous 75 million dollar offer for just three more episodes of “Breaking Bad”, it’s all feedback. Hope you enjoy it!

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Breaking Bad Mid-Season Five Wrap Up

Welcome to the mid-season wrap of for season five of Breaking Bad! In this we turn the podcast over to you, the listener. After a few show notes and news discussion, we discuss your takes, insights, and speculations, and dish a bit of our own in between.

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Breaking Bad Season Four Wrap-up

Welcome to this bittersweet episode of Breaking Good! We are over the moon about the way the season went, but sad that we have to wait almost a year to find out what’s next for Walt and Jesse. We reflect on our favorite moments, thoughts for next season, predictions that came true and those that flamed out, and read the final thoughts from our listeners on Breaking Bad.

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