Ep 11 – Fast Times In Brunei

Writer, performer, mom, rockwife: Jillian Lauren joins us on this episode of The Because Show! Her memoir Some Girls is the best book you’ll ever read about life in a harem. And now her novel Pretty has been published.  ”A young woman coming to terms with her boyfriend’s death and her rocky journey to sobriety. Bebe is an ex-everything: ex-stripper, ex-Christian, ex-drug addict, ex-pretty girl. It’s been one year since the car accident that killed her boyfriend left her scarred and shaken. Flanked by an eccentric posse of friends, she is serving out a self-imposed sentence at a halfway house, while trying to finish cosmetology school. Amid the rampant diagnoses, over-medication, compulsive eating, and acrylic nails of Los Angeles, Bebe looks for something to believe in before something – her past, the dangerously magnetic men in her life, her own bad choices – knocks her off course again” says the synopsis on Amazon.

Jillian is completely honest, engaging and frank in our conversation. We love that.


Susan and Jillian share some history with their recollections of working as strippers in NYC. Evidently, the shoes one wears up on stage on the first night are not the shoes one will wear on the second night.

Dancing at Billy’s nightclub eventually led to working as an escort which led to partying in the Prince of Brunei’s compound. What’s it like to be the second favorite girlfriend of The Prince? Is that even a good thing? And would you expect to find the same kind of petty girl fights and jealousy  in a harem that you would see in any Junior High? Is heroin withdrawal worse that Boy George says? Jillian answers all these questions for us. Oh, and what’s it like when Barbara Walters gets all judge-y on you? Jillian answers that too.

You can keep up with Jillian on her blog and follow her on twitter @jillylauren. Oh! Jillian also mentions her friend Jerry Stahl, the guy who wrote the definitive addiction memoirPermanent Midnight.  *Jerilyn read it, it’s great and funny and dark and even better than the movie that was made out of it. Stahl has written a ton of other good stuff, make a brain note to find him next time you are at the bookstore or library.

You can leave a voicemail for The Because Show at 818-643-1565. We’ve loved hearing from everyone who has found us recently. Welcome aboard!

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