Ep 13 – Word Of The Year

Welcome to this week’s episode of The Because Show! So much ground to cover, where to begin?

Well, we explored the concept of the ‘Rock Cruise’. Have you heard about this? A rock cruise. Does this sound like hell on earth or a slice of paradise? If you have been on one, please call us (818-643-1565) and let us know how it was!

And we discussed The American Dialect Society  choices for the woty! Yep, the ‘word of the year’. What do you think it should be? Some of the past words are so awesome, we definitely need to revisit this subject and talk about ‘moofing’, ‘prehabs’ and ‘googlegangers’.

Evidently the frontrunner is ‘Occupy’ with ‘Humblebrag’ coming in a as a close second. ‘Awkward’ is trailing behind, with ‘Winning’ bringing up the rear. We will certainly keep you updated when they announce the word in January. *Personally, my 2011 woty is ‘sworts‘ aka sweater-shorts, like these ones I spotted while I was standing in line at J.Crew:

Thank you to everyone,  whether you are a teenager or a senior, a boy or girl, a dad or mom, thank you to everyone who has written an iTunes review.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

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