Ep 132 Sex and Money

Did you miss us? We’ve missed YOU! This week it’s sex and money – listen and learn.  Amy poses the question to our audience ‘What’s the brokest you’ve ever been?’ Cuz between the three of of your favorite podcasters, we’ve all been pretty flat out busted and broke at times. It sucks! Hey, can you like us on fb? Only 26 more peeps needed until we hit 1000 likers!!!! 
As always, We beseech listeners to keep sending the emails, connecting and touching base – we love it! You can reach us at 818-643-1565. You can email to thebecauseshow@baldmove.com  On Facebook, find us. On twitter, tweet us @thebecause. Totally hit us up. And Instagram! We’re there too. We are jerilynsb, sniffumynub and amy4st so pop on in and say ‘Hi!’ Cool? Thanks. xxoo See you on the flip side!


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