Ep 135 Short and Sweet

It’s Amy and Jerilyn this week with plenty of good stuff to talk about. Well, some stuff – because we kept this episode on the short side. This week we continue our personal explorations and intimate explanations to make what we have come to know as ‘The Because Show’. We are revving up for our fifth year of podcasting and continue to mine the depths for news for our beloved audience. Listen and learn! And then call us and leave a voicemail for us.
As always, We beseech listeners to keep sending the emails, connecting and touching base – we love it! You can reach us at 818-643-1565. You can email to thebecauseshow@baldmove.com  On Facebook, find us. On twitter, tweet us @thebecause. Totally hit us up. And Instagram! We’re there too. We are jerilynsb, sniffumynub and amy4st so pop on in and say ‘Hi!’ Cool? Thanks for listening!
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