Ep 57 – Childhood Fears

Bottomless pits. Backmasking. The poorhouse. The Phantom Tollbooth. The Riddle Of The Sphinx.  Are you scared yet? We are! This week we delve into childhood fears and it leaves us shaking in our shoes. But that’s not all! The money discussion continues…How hard is it to save? And Amy poses this question to our listeners “Is it possible to have great sex from the day you get married until the day you die?” She wants to know.  Listeners can call us and tell us what their opinion at the voicemail number 818-643-1565. You can totally be anonymous!!

Smarterbucks, the reward program to pay off your student loan

The Myths Of Happiness a new book by Sonja Lyubomirsky

Oxygen as the new trend in skincare, like Philosophy’s Oxygen Peel

Love 2.0, another new book! `How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do Or Become’ by Barbara Fredrickson

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