Ep 63 – Creepypasta

KINDLE FIRE CONTEST is on! We explain the rules, where to enter and why we want you to win the Kindle Fire. That is the first piece of business on the agenda then we move on to our most popular new segment ‘Show Me The Meaning Of The Word’ to introduce new words and important concepts to the audience. Butterfly sex! Staircase Wit! Creepy Pasta! You are going to love creepypasta as much as Jerilyn does. We answer a question from a panicked pregnant listener, reassuring her that a new baby WON’T ruin her life. And she will sleep, eventually. Then we put on our urban activist hats and brainstorm on how to save the city of Detroit! Impending bankruptcy, declining population, urban blight – it sounds dire when you listen to the NPR Weekend Edition segment on the largest municipal bankruptcy in the country. We’re hoping our urban planning ideas will trickle over to the right ears.

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