Ep 84 – Skip The Middle

Always buy the glitter! If there is one thing you take away from this episode, it’s that you may regret not buying the glitter. What else? Well, we talk about the meaning of life and the new celebrity perfumes on the market. Rihanna has a new one out! Nicki Minaj too! Over the course of this episode, we talk about a lot of things, including the new movie starring Amanda Seyfried called ‘Lovelace’. It’s okay. Some of the books mentioned are:

Amy’s reading ‘The Book Thief’ by Marcus Zusak. A movie is being made of it! What books have you been reading lately?  We are always open to recommendations, you know.  Do you like our podcast? Then please go ahead and leave us an iTunes review! Just that little effort will help us stay in the rankings of iTunes ‘What’s Hot‘ which is a big thing in the podcast-o-sphere. Really! Do you want to tell us something? Go ahead and call the voicemail at 818-643-1565. We love to hear from listeners. In addition, you can email to thebecauseshow@baldmove.com. And, of course, ‘like’ us on fb or tweet @thebecause on twitter. See you next week!


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