Ep 87 – Right Down The Line

It’s been you, right down the line. It’s all about you listeners in this episode! All about you, listening to us talk. What do you think of the ‘small of the back’ issue? Are you down with it? And, of course, we have some listener updates and voicemails in this episode. We love to hear from our listeners and stay updated and connected with our wonderful audience!   Have you heard of fluitlity? It’s fluid utility and it’s all the rage this season, you can look for flutility  on the runways this fall.  A listener recommendation for an org. Love it!  We also discuss the pleasures of making a new friend. Make a new friend, it’s great! Also, James Franco’s movie ‘Spring Breakers’! Oh, Franco. You can rent in on iTunes, but we will warn you – it’s dark.  Also, Crest 3D Whitestrips. Is it a way for Susan to whiten her teeth? Listen and find out.

Do you like our podcast? Then please go ahead and leave us an iTunes review! Just that little effort will help us stay in the rankings of iTunes ‘What’s Hot‘ which is a big thing in the podcast-o-sphere. Really! Do you want to tell us something? Go ahead and call the voicemail at 818-643-1565. It’s fun!  In addition, you can email to thebecauseshow@baldmove.com if you want to get in touch with us. . And, of course, ‘like’ us on fb or tweet @thebecause on twitter to check in with us between episodes. See you next week! xxoo


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